
People change their minds sometimes you know. In September. I hooked up with someone and told him I wanted it to be a one night stand and not date or get into anything serious. Then I changed my mind right afterwards and was, and still am, really into him, but he's not into it anymore, or is punishing me, or

People change their minds sometimes you know. In September. I hooked up with someone and told him I wanted it to be a one night stand and not date or get into anything serious. Then I changed my mind right afterwards and was, and still am, really into him, but he's not into it anymore, or is punishing me, or

@avclub-f16ba6f00bce15507c766cd5e8057728:disqus I was in Belgrade this summer and cigarettes are ONE SIXTY a pack. ONE SIXTY. (They don't taste as good as they do here, brand for brand, but they're cigarettes.) I foolishly assumed they would be as cheap everywhere else in Eastern Europe too but they're not. You can

@avclub-f16ba6f00bce15507c766cd5e8057728:disqus I was in Belgrade this summer and cigarettes are ONE SIXTY a pack. ONE SIXTY. (They don't taste as good as they do here, brand for brand, but they're cigarettes.) I foolishly assumed they would be as cheap everywhere else in Eastern Europe too but they're not. You can

I actually think that it does make a difference whether or not something is fictional or about an event that actually took place. I'm not saying whether or not it is factual, but whether or not it is meant to be a recapitulation of an event that actually happened (i.e., a book about the Holocaust). Like, Night is very

I actually think that it does make a difference whether or not something is fictional or about an event that actually took place. I'm not saying whether or not it is factual, but whether or not it is meant to be a recapitulation of an event that actually happened (i.e., a book about the Holocaust). Like, Night is very

"Inherently terrifying"? I've honestly never thought about that. This is probably another example of "different strokes for different folks" (sorry, sorry, sorry) but I find "female is the dominant party" stuff realllllly offputting, precisely because of these proscribed gender roles. I can 100%, totally understand

"Inherently terrifying"? I've honestly never thought about that. This is probably another example of "different strokes for different folks" (sorry, sorry, sorry) but I find "female is the dominant party" stuff realllllly offputting, precisely because of these proscribed gender roles. I can 100%, totally understand

We watched mostly PBS at my parents' house.

We watched mostly PBS at my parents' house.

That's what makes Aqua Velvas blue, right? I have always wanted to have one since I saw Zodiac.

That's what makes Aqua Velvas blue, right? I have always wanted to have one since I saw Zodiac.

I know, it would have been quite clear if he had actually gotten out! I have really no idea what happened. There's a whole lot of romantic intrigue in this story that I left out, which makes the whole thing worse. I also came home with way too much money (for both drinks and cab) so I feel extra guilty, and resentful

I know, it would have been quite clear if he had actually gotten out! I have really no idea what happened. There's a whole lot of romantic intrigue in this story that I left out, which makes the whole thing worse. I also came home with way too much money (for both drinks and cab) so I feel extra guilty, and resentful

You wake up early and unable to fall asleep after drinking because when you fall asleep drunk you skip REM sleep and go into deep sleep and then when the alcohol wears off you come out of the deep sleep and it's easier to wake up from REM sleep. It happens to me all the time.

You wake up early and unable to fall asleep after drinking because when you fall asleep drunk you skip REM sleep and go into deep sleep and then when the alcohol wears off you come out of the deep sleep and it's easier to wake up from REM sleep. It happens to me all the time.

@avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus No kidding. I would die.

@avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus No kidding. I would die.

Wow, degus are so cute. I love rodents. I didn't know about them either.

Wow, degus are so cute. I love rodents. I didn't know about them either.