
I can see it. I really liked both of them in high school.

I can see it. I really liked both of them in high school.

I just started watching How I Met Your Mother. I have pneumonia and was home sick a lot last week so I decided to bite the bullet and start one of the TV shows everyone is incredulous I haven't seen. I love it!

I just started watching How I Met Your Mother. I have pneumonia and was home sick a lot last week so I decided to bite the bullet and start one of the TV shows everyone is incredulous I haven't seen. I love it!

I love driving but I don't want to own a car because they are so expensive to keep up. Gas, insurance, repairs, etc. I also really enjoy taking public transportation and being with "the people" and supporting the infrastructure of public transit, which I really believe in. Then again, I'm spoiled bc I live a ten

I love driving but I don't want to own a car because they are so expensive to keep up. Gas, insurance, repairs, etc. I also really enjoy taking public transportation and being with "the people" and supporting the infrastructure of public transit, which I really believe in. Then again, I'm spoiled bc I live a ten

Not that he's a performer, but I once went to see Claude Lanzmann give a talk, and he answered two different cell phones while on microphone, was rude to the interviewer, and implied that he believed that, teleologically speaking, all Jewish people should have died during the Holocaust. Most people walked out and I

Not that he's a performer, but I once went to see Claude Lanzmann give a talk, and he answered two different cell phones while on microphone, was rude to the interviewer, and implied that he believed that, teleologically speaking, all Jewish people should have died during the Holocaust. Most people walked out and I

Ahh so glad other people have read it!

Ahh so glad other people have read it!

Oh, I can't believe I forgot this. Murakami's story "Town of Cats" that was published in the New Yorker this past year and is part of IQ84. (The cat story, not the rest of the narrative.) I cannot get it out of my head to this day. It's probably the most existentially awful thing I have ever read. It's here: http://www

Oh, I can't believe I forgot this. Murakami's story "Town of Cats" that was published in the New Yorker this past year and is part of IQ84. (The cat story, not the rest of the narrative.) I cannot get it out of my head to this day. It's probably the most existentially awful thing I have ever read. It's here: http://www

My favorite thing about his books, honestly, is the warm family life they portray and their good morals and values. My favorite series is the Johnny Dixon one. I also love the element that religion plays in the books. I'm moderately religious (though not Catholic), but wasn't really raised that way, and weirdly

My favorite thing about his books, honestly, is the warm family life they portray and their good morals and values. My favorite series is the Johnny Dixon one. I also love the element that religion plays in the books. I'm moderately religious (though not Catholic), but wasn't really raised that way, and weirdly

I am a huge, huge, HUGE John Bellairs fan. I've reread his books a million times even as an adult, too. I'm not so sure he's so forgotten. We always carry a few of his books at the bookstore I worked at for years.

I am a huge, huge, HUGE John Bellairs fan. I've reread his books a million times even as an adult, too. I'm not so sure he's so forgotten. We always carry a few of his books at the bookstore I worked at for years.

I went on a big Vincent Bugliosi kick last year. His book "And The Sea Will Tell" is maybe even better and it is so, so creepy. I don't know if anyone else has read it and I don't want to give an important plot point away but there's one line in particular that I have to force myself to stop thinking about.

I went on a big Vincent Bugliosi kick last year. His book "And The Sea Will Tell" is maybe even better and it is so, so creepy. I don't know if anyone else has read it and I don't want to give an important plot point away but there's one line in particular that I have to force myself to stop thinking about.

Oh, I mentioned it on the first page before reading down. Oops. "We Have Always Lived In The Castle" is truly amazing.

Oh, I mentioned it on the first page before reading down. Oops. "We Have Always Lived In The Castle" is truly amazing.