
I for some reason picked that up when I was in fourth grade. Yes, that first chapter. I remember looking up "black vomit" in the dictionary trying to figure out what it was.

I for some reason picked that up when I was in fourth grade. Yes, that first chapter. I remember looking up "black vomit" in the dictionary trying to figure out what it was.

I could barely read that part. Skinning is, like, my number one creepy crawly thing. I can barely think about that Buffy episode either.

I could barely read that part. Skinning is, like, my number one creepy crawly thing. I can barely think about that Buffy episode either.

I love Shirley Jackson. "We Have Always Lived In The Castle" would be my pick. It's incredibly disturbing and incredibly good.

I love Shirley Jackson. "We Have Always Lived In The Castle" would be my pick. It's incredibly disturbing and incredibly good.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I remember that you think this way, but you realize that Germany has more restrictions against any type of neo-Nazi activity than most other countries, and that it's Germany, Austria and other European countries which harbored support for fascism which currently have the

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I remember that you think this way, but you realize that Germany has more restrictions against any type of neo-Nazi activity than most other countries, and that it's Germany, Austria and other European countries which harbored support for fascism which currently have the

I don't think prison in other countries (including here) is necessarily any, or much, better, but Russian prisons are atrocious and the basic physical facilities are not really an improvement in many circumstances over the quality of life in "gulags." However many things are also different.

I don't think prison in other countries (including here) is necessarily any, or much, better, but Russian prisons are atrocious and the basic physical facilities are not really an improvement in many circumstances over the quality of life in "gulags." However many things are also different.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus "Shit, in Berlin they still gas any Jews they can find, and that's been going on for over seventy years at this point."

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus "Shit, in Berlin they still gas any Jews they can find, and that's been going on for over seventy years at this point."

Thanks! I'll definitely tell her. I haven't talked to her about it yet but I think it's so cool that this movie is getting advertised on the AVC and other publications. I think it's her first big movie she's had a significant role in (production, not acting). Also thanks re. costume encouragement. I am having a party

Thanks! I'll definitely tell her. I haven't talked to her about it yet but I think it's so cool that this movie is getting advertised on the AVC and other publications. I think it's her first big movie she's had a significant role in (production, not acting). Also thanks re. costume encouragement. I am having a party

Ahh that was them? I remember hearing about that but somehow didn't connect it. I only got their albums and started listening to them sometime in the last 2 years.

Ahh that was them? I remember hearing about that but somehow didn't connect it. I only got their albums and started listening to them sometime in the last 2 years.

For what it's worth, I would be bothered by lack of footnotes and an index too, but given that Orlean is a New Yorker writer and part of the book appeared there I find it *highly* unlikely that it would be un-trust-worthily researched.

For what it's worth, I would be bothered by lack of footnotes and an index too, but given that Orlean is a New Yorker writer and part of the book appeared there I find it *highly* unlikely that it would be un-trust-worthily researched.