
I loathe pretentiousness but definitely don't consider Kieślowski pretentious at all. Interesting. Did you really dislike them that much? My favorite Kieślowski is The Double Life of Véronique though, which I think is definitely better than, say, White.

I loathe pretentiousness but definitely don't consider Kieślowski pretentious at all. Interesting. Did you really dislike them that much? My favorite Kieślowski is The Double Life of Véronique though, which I think is definitely better than, say, White.

You are fucking crazy to give Ip Man a C.

You are fucking crazy to give Ip Man a C.

Yesterday, I finally picked up Demons again which I had stopped reading when I went to Germany this summer and read through the end of the second part. Still loving it. I don't have that much time to read in general lately either so I didn't read anything else this week besides newspapers. I have had a really bad

Yesterday, I finally picked up Demons again which I had stopped reading when I went to Germany this summer and read through the end of the second part. Still loving it. I don't have that much time to read in general lately either so I didn't read anything else this week besides newspapers. I have had a really bad

@paraclete_pizza:disqus I try not to accumulate things either, but it's not because I think asceticism is intrinsically valuable. It's because the more things you have, the more likely it is to lead to clutter, disorganization, and feeling guilty when you don't use the item, all of which makes me agitated and unhappy.

@paraclete_pizza:disqus I try not to accumulate things either, but it's not because I think asceticism is intrinsically valuable. It's because the more things you have, the more likely it is to lead to clutter, disorganization, and feeling guilty when you don't use the item, all of which makes me agitated and unhappy.

That's not really true. Having more stuff probably won't make you happy, having less stuff probably won't make you happy, but wanting the stuff you do have will make you happy.

That's not really true. Having more stuff probably won't make you happy, having less stuff probably won't make you happy, but wanting the stuff you do have will make you happy.

@avclub-3f0120c8dcf9d18404640edbed84e57d:disqus Really? I was REALLY happy with the adaptation of Jane Eyre which is perhaps my favorite classic English novel. Rather than being inert, I thought it retained the quiet power of the spirit of the novel, especially Jane's strength of character. I think Jane Eyre is more

@avclub-3f0120c8dcf9d18404640edbed84e57d:disqus Really? I was REALLY happy with the adaptation of Jane Eyre which is perhaps my favorite classic English novel. Rather than being inert, I thought it retained the quiet power of the spirit of the novel, especially Jane's strength of character. I think Jane Eyre is more

Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that - it was one of the reasons I was interested in the book in the first place.

Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that - it was one of the reasons I was interested in the book in the first place.

I couldn't finish Wuthering Heights because I found it too melodramatic. I was trying to read it when I was in college and maybe that was just too old for a first reading. What I do find VERY interesting about it is its capacity as a frame story, that's one of the ideas I am trying to study. This sounds like a good

I couldn't finish Wuthering Heights because I found it too melodramatic. I was trying to read it when I was in college and maybe that was just too old for a first reading. What I do find VERY interesting about it is its capacity as a frame story, that's one of the ideas I am trying to study. This sounds like a good

Yeah, I was in Germany over the summer and some people on the subway do smell get-off-the-train level awful, but if it's someone I already find attractive, I love that "human" smell. A lot.

Yeah, I was in Germany over the summer and some people on the subway do smell get-off-the-train level awful, but if it's someone I already find attractive, I love that "human" smell. A lot.

I find deodorant lasts a really long time. I go through maybe a handful of deodorants a year. I find it really hot when guys don't wear deodorant, in case anyone was wondering. Unlike shaving, that's a "grooming ritual" I'd be into dispensing with more frequently.

I find deodorant lasts a really long time. I go through maybe a handful of deodorants a year. I find it really hot when guys don't wear deodorant, in case anyone was wondering. Unlike shaving, that's a "grooming ritual" I'd be into dispensing with more frequently.