
Shaving is really time consuming (and incredibly expensive - the price of razor blades that don't give me razor burn is unreal. I have really sensitive skin and take a ton of aspirin so I basically bleed out whenever I cut myself shaving) but I like doing it anyway. I do it all through the winter too because I wear

Shaving is really time consuming (and incredibly expensive - the price of razor blades that don't give me razor burn is unreal. I have really sensitive skin and take a ton of aspirin so I basically bleed out whenever I cut myself shaving) but I like doing it anyway. I do it all through the winter too because I wear

Elizabeth Warren could guest star.

Elizabeth Warren could guest star.

I like James King better and wish she hadn't gone back.

I like James King better and wish she hadn't gone back.

Derek Jeter . . . I want to throw stuff at my TV screen whenever I see him on it. I hate his smug expression. It is amazing to me how it is possible for someone to look so smug in every single picture taken of him, ever.

Derek Jeter . . . I want to throw stuff at my TV screen whenever I see him on it. I hate his smug expression. It is amazing to me how it is possible for someone to look so smug in every single picture taken of him, ever.

I cracked up out loud at "The Broadway Express subway line in New York City." There's something delightful about such a straightforward and mundane explanation.

I cracked up out loud at "The Broadway Express subway line in New York City." There's something delightful about such a straightforward and mundane explanation.

I can't say I like Miller High Life but I legitimately like Miller Lite. It's my favorite cheap beer and therefore what I keep around the house. It's better than PBR, Bud Light, Old Style, Yuengling, etc.

I can't say I like Miller High Life but I legitimately like Miller Lite. It's my favorite cheap beer and therefore what I keep around the house. It's better than PBR, Bud Light, Old Style, Yuengling, etc.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I have what may be a kind of shallow reading of Dostoevsky (which I think I've talked about here before) in that I tend to mostly read them as stories about people and those people's ideas, rather than anything else. What I like most about Dostoevsky is that I think he

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I have what may be a kind of shallow reading of Dostoevsky (which I think I've talked about here before) in that I tend to mostly read them as stories about people and those people's ideas, rather than anything else. What I like most about Dostoevsky is that I think he

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Like you say about Joyce, I found A Pale Fire "willfully difficult," and now, basically everything by Nabokov too. Not in the sense of it being too difficult to read or get into, but in the sense of being unnecessarily complex for the sake of being clever instead of

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Like you say about Joyce, I found A Pale Fire "willfully difficult," and now, basically everything by Nabokov too. Not in the sense of it being too difficult to read or get into, but in the sense of being unnecessarily complex for the sake of being clever instead of

Our freshman year of college two kids in my dorm had a "milk race"; the first to vomit while attempting to drink a gallon of milk all at once lost. Why did they do this and why did we all watch?

Our freshman year of college two kids in my dorm had a "milk race"; the first to vomit while attempting to drink a gallon of milk all at once lost. Why did they do this and why did we all watch?

Have you read Darkness Visible or The Noonday Demon? I liked both of those a decent amount. What about "The Story of a Soul" by St. Thérèse of Lisieux? (Incidentally, today is her saint's day.) I really love that book.

I saw Looper on Saturday night and yesterday I went to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Honestly? I surprised myself by really liking it. I was interested in all the articles about it before it actually came out here, and was feeling quite critical of the book, concept, teenagers, etc.