
"Slash fic" does refer to fan fic pairings of characters of any genre - it's named for the slash used to denote fantasized pairings, as in, Don slash Joan. I do agree that it has the implication of imposing a homosexual narrative but I think that it's a more catholic term.

I too think that Harry did the right thing. Giving someone "false hope" about his writing isn't inherently that bad. Also, you literally never know (though I get that as it's set up in the show, it was false hope). I agree that his number one motivation was getting Kinsey away from Lakshmi and the Hare Krishnas.

I too think that Harry did the right thing. Giving someone "false hope" about his writing isn't inherently that bad. Also, you literally never know (though I get that as it's set up in the show, it was false hope). I agree that his number one motivation was getting Kinsey away from Lakshmi and the Hare Krishnas.

Me too. She was really creepy. They did a really good job portraying the cult vibe.

Me too. She was really creepy. They did a really good job portraying the cult vibe.

You guys either are or have pretty fucking stupid readers if you can't tell characters apart besides what they are CALLED. Maybe I have become super-intelligent about telling characters apart by other methods than names after reading too much Russian literature though.

@avclub-55655e3296788419699ec577c7a76f6b:disqus Beside the obvious example of Russian novels (I'm reading Demons right now and it even has two characters named Anton Andreevich and comments on this fact), and John Irving who has many characters named John, I'm kind of blocking on other examples besides Mad Men, which

Yes, TV writers do usually do that, but Mad Men is very committed to realism and so they don't do this. People have even commented before on how much they like that Mad Men has some people with the same name - like there's more than one Herman (Duck and someone else) I think. The names Beth and Betty are not that

Agree, not only is it Sally-like (aside: How cool is it that she was six when it started and is now a legit character with a real personality) but Don and/or Megan would never in a million years coach her on how to torture Betty or whatever. Calling them Morticia and Lurch is cute enough but unlike Betty, they are not

@avclub-2b6ae6b0d41e8d863c9e7bd08f106328:disqus I guess so. I think of it as more of a 70's thing, but the Eichmann trial date is a good point.

Why would it be losing track? How many Elizabeths do you know in real life? I know countless. It's realistic, not imbued with hidden meaning.

Yes, that was my first thought and I'm not even super familiar with Mad.

Megan isn't waif-thin though, even though she does look really sixties. (Don't get me wrong, I think she looks great.) Did you see her in her shorts and bikini top outfit?

Just reiterating how much I loved that. It's so hot. I would do that in a heartbeat. HEY PETE

I think kids always used to like being the Indian, honestly. If you read the Great Brain books (set in the 1890's) they play Cowboys and Indians and the fastest, cleverest kid gets to be the Indian and it's a big deal.

Don't use that word here.

I want to marry Ginsberg.

@avclub-c3121fa95cd6bc24f771b66449a2142c:disqus To be fair, "the Holocaust" was really not at all a thing until much later. Still. Hitler. I think my point still stands, just, it's more of an "Already?" and not a "Still?"

ant farm

I'm SO FUCKING SICK OF BOOKS LIKE THIS. I just want to scream. FUCK DYSTOPIA, FUCK EDGY SEXUAL POLITICS, FUCK ALL YA BOOKS HAVING TO BE FANTASY OR SCI FI AND HAVING MAGICAL FUCKING CHARACTERS. How about writers using their fucking BRAINS and write something besides pathetic Mary Sue characters in fucking product