
To nitpick, not sure how much of a "callback" that is. I mean, it's Hitler.

Yeah it's a Pepsi soft drink. Sounds kind of gross. It just makes you think of drinking a melted Sno Cone.

Ugh, too busy at work to read comments yet and I hate adding posts at the end but whatever.
-There's no way Roger was sincere there.
- I love how Sally immediately knows to put the dig in Betty with that "fondly" line.

Yeah, I don't know why I feel the need to justify it like that. Also, I want to clarify that it's actually a good book that I really like! I think I wanted to establish some sort of credential for having reasonable opinions before issuing a declaration that this terrible-sounding book is actually worth reading.

I like it. There aren’t enough words for how much I hate Ayn
Rand, and libertarianism in general (foremost her though). He’s more measured and reasonable. I went to U of C, which fortunately isn’t totally poisoned by Friedman economics (not that I did anything relating to economics), so there is also a slight personal

I never participate in these. I went home for the weekend to my parents' house because I had to work at my non-day job (bookstore) yesterday, plus, Mother's Day. Friday night my dad and I went to see Footnote, it was pretty good but only good, not great. Yesterday I read the new Sophie Kinsella novel, "Got Your

I read the first chapter too. I'm a huge John Irving fan, and even liked his last couple books well enough (though I haven't ever re-read Last Night in Twisted River). This one honestly didn't suck me in as much as I had been excited for. It really reminded me of Garp - it seems like it's asking you to like it in

24 Hour Party People is fantastic, it's probably my second favorite movie ever. It seems more perpetually than recently mentioned though (unless I have been missing something).

Fuck I'm really sorry! I actually usually do spoiler alert for something like this so I sincerely apologize I didn't think of it for some reason.

Who really killed Fyodor Pavlovich in The Brothers Karamazov?* Can we really believe Ivan? I don't think so!

Thanks for the explanation. For some reason I was like expecting hard core porn or something (I guess because of Lost Girls), although that doesn't make any sense.

@thomasrhys:disqus I just couldn't get into them and they're so monolithic that I'm unmotivated to try. I do like some Beatles songs. I like A Day In The Life a lot too. I also really loved the song in this episode - I had never heard it before. I know they have a lot of different sounds but I just didn't want to

I think Agate meant that it's an original script rather than an adaptation, sequel, or franchise. However you could argue it is a Salinger adaptation (Hapworth 16, 1924).

I think it looks terrible, but the interview I read with him about it makes it sound interesting . . . but I think what really sounds interesting is the original show, not whatever happens in this movie.

Can someone tell me what it is? Do not want to watch.

I was born there too!

What's wrong with you that you don't find it disturbing? Not something to brag about, guy

It's true, I am female. I don't know how all of you know each other's genders though. I guess I'm not around here enough.

Best story ever.

His interviews with Terry Gross are so, so, so good. Especially the most recent one.