
This is pretty fucking girly but I seriously teared up upon reading that he has died moments ago. This has never happened to me before with a famous person. I can't believe it. He had a wonderful impact on children's literature.

Rocky Raccoon is my favorite Beatles song (I don't like the Beatles)

I liked her in that, I think she did the character really well.

That was totally not "Megan in her Betty Draper costume." Betty would never in a million years go barefoot in the house (except that one time she stepped on the wine glass), cook something non-American, give Don a taste from the spoon, etc.

I wouldn't describe him as good looking but there is really something about him. I find the housewife thing believable. It's pretty amazing how much less attractive they can make Pete Campbell than Vincent Kartheiser though.

I loved the rainstorm in the background. I feel like Mad Men is really consistent about things like that. Sometimes the weather or whatever is going on really infiltrates the fabric of people's lives. I think they do a good job representing that in the show.

I fucking love Ginsberg. I think it's all intentional (i.e. "the character being funny").

Literally cannot believe she is 31. I know there are plenty of girls who look young but jesus. I guess it's her voice.

That scene between Harry and Pete was amazing.

I totally agree with all of this.

I really don't think Don has lost respect for Megan. If anything I feel like he respects her more. I think he is mostly troubled that she is acting so independent. It's not that he has a problem with her being independent, in principle, but I think he likes having her with him all the time just for emotional reasons.

Boeuf bourguignon is the shit. People may not make it anymore but that's because it takes forever, not because it's hopelessly sixties!

I agree @avclub-1d5f36370c7ddcd55c96c2fb6bd11ead:disqus. I don't even like the Beatles (I have never listened to Revolver) and even I was incredibly enthralled realizing that the show was actually going to play the Beatles. Pretty fucking great.

I find the idea of a hologram of a dead person animated to act like a living person incredibly disturbing and I swear to God it seems like I'm literally the only person who has ever brought this up. He's DEAD. It's bizarre. I was trying to explain this to my best friend and her boyfriend over the weekend and I used

Nightcrawler is the best.

The trailer is really bad.

Thor is fun and pretty good but not super awesome. My impression was that those who liked it liked it in a good-natured and uncomplicated way.

Just watched the trailer. I like the Captain America remake of the Buffy scene where she punches the punching bag off its chain.

Sorry to bring this up again but I'm newly struck by how gross it is to use terms like "pussy" and "nubile cherry" in reference to Kiernan Shipka when you have a kid her age. Outside Curb Your Enthusiasm gags, that's really not something people do.

Maybe this will dispel speculation on Sally's future lesbianism