
That's a great point. I had not thought of that.

I thought that was kind of a silly moment (curtain closing), I didn't like it as much. I find it hard to believe Don and Roger wouldn't have been just scornful of its ridiculousness. But I guess everyone likes a fight.

I said this in a couple different places but: I do think they are kind of indicating that because he's Jewish, he's more sensitive to death and suffering as something to take seriously and not be all lurid about. But I DON'T think that he has "direct experience" with the Holocaust or whatever. I really don't think he

Ginsberg was born in like 1940 or maybe 1938. I don't think he was born in Europe. I think his parents were lucky enough to emigrate during the early 30s. So I don't think he has any direct experience with the Holocaust.

I agree. She's kind of terrible and crazy (I think describing getting kicked across the room as a valuable learning experience is the worst of her comments to Sally) but the interactions between them were still fun to watch and she at least talks to Sally like a grownup. Those were all great scenes. I love Sally.

I am so upset and disappointed to hear this. I really like Werner Herzog and I LOVE rats. This is the worst.

Pretty sure David Mamet is doing ok without your feeling embarrassed on his behalf. legally concrete blonde is right, it is a commonly used deliberate affectation.

Even more about Ginsberg: I definitely think that he's a foil of sorts for Peggy - like in the last episode when people were all "so and so is the new so and so." But part of Peggy's story is that she's gone from being totally ill at ease, trying to keep her earnestness and fresh eyes, to being "at home" in this

Thanks, I do get it now. So I see the distinction as being, Peggy has a non-racist motivation ("It's a person I don't know well") for wanting to take her purse, then realizes her moment of pause looks racist and becomes paralyzed by guilt. Or, Peggy has a brief instinctual racist moment ("It's a black person I don't

What do you mean "I initially thought it was her unconsciously having a racist reaction, but then feeling ashamed of it. I like your interpretation better, though I'm not sure if that was what was intended" - that's exactly the same thing as what @avclub-88c03b34bb3d00bab7dbe9fde05e020e:disqus  described.

Ginsberg is the only one horrified rather than fascinated by the photos of dead bodies because he's Jewish. It was only like 20 years ago that we were seeing other photos of dead bodies. I really like him, he is quickly becoming my favorite character. I think you are totally wrong that Ginsberg is "blithely misreading

I think it was nice that she "covered" it, but I don't think it was so successful. It was still an awful moment. I was trying to think if there was literally anything Peggy could have done to make it less awful (besides going ahead and leaving her purse there, which she did) and didn't come up with anything. It seems

I agree. In all the times Don was cheating on Betty, it was never presented as a realistic threat that Betty would walk in or find out or somehow catch him in it in a way he couldn't sweep under the table. Maybe this is too obvious given that the dream sequence took place in their apartment, but I think it's set up

That was such a great scene. Peggy looks fantastic lately.

I don’t think I have any pop-culture or band T-shirts. I do have a very small collection of land mine awareness T-shirts (I only have two so far, but I’m always looking for more). One of them is in comic book style and has the DC logo on it, or at least I think it’s DC. I have no idea of its provenance but it’s by far

I had two false starts. I watched the first episode, wasn't sucked in and didn't watch more. A couple months later, I re-watched it with my best friend and her mom, and we were all totally sucked in and watched the entire first disc straight through. But then I never watched more until about a year later.

By writing do you mean dialogue? I feel like when you're talking about TV shows, people mostly say "writing" to mean "what happens in the episode." I can sort of see the dialogue thing, if that's what you meant. I think the dialogue is fantastic and perfect in so many ways, but maybe it's safe to say it's not

I saw it then and that way too!

I haven't seen that, thank you for the recommendation. I have seen a bunch of Yuri Norstein though (I think Yozhik v tumane is the best animation ever)

I have no idea how Skippy Dies could be made into a movie.