
Jaws is one of the worst books I've ever read.

I thought it was spelled "Caroline." Is it really spelled "Carolyn"? I have heard the name that's spelled "Caroline" pronounced "Carolyn" but I think it's weird. I've never heard "-yn" pronounced "ine."

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Yours follows other AV Club proposals I have received! I will consider it though.

Joan's mom is such a bitch. You can instantly see where Joan gets it from!

That scene (and the rest of the episode) was rife with those double meaning one-liners. It was great.

+1 re. interpretation of the sex scene.

I think this is probably it, I vaguely remember that he just made up a new birthday, but I could be wrong.

I LOVE Megan, but I feel like she reminds me of me a little bit, so maybe I'm terrible. I hated Joan until the third season (I love her now) and I hate Jane.

Yeah, I admit, I'm a snob, but I have a hard time imagining that all these people actually watch it. Maybe they just don't think about it as much as we do (even though that's the fun part!)

I love Johnny Got His Gun, I think of it pretty much anytime someone mentions the ravages of war or whatever. It really sticks with you. My high school did the play and it was really good for a HS play.

I definitely agree with @avclub-d8dda79582b3de3e7ee1f3f92af93ea5:disqus that even if she's consciously manipulative, she has genuine motivations. I think in most cases she's a sweet person (esp. with the kids) and means well for others as well as herself. I'm sure she likes the idea of being important as Don's wife

I agree. I hate saying this because it's so inappropriate but she really seems . . . I don't know. It is disquieting! I like her voice though.

I was rewatching Season 1 (I've rewatched other seasons a lot but never s1) and have definitely been lamenting the absence of Kinsey. I really, really like Stan though.

I thought it was so hot. I definitely agree that it was a way for them both to get what they wanted.

Oh - this is not "entertainment" - but reading Medallions by Zofia Nalkowska is the closest I've come to throwing up from reading something. It's unusually vivid essays about concentration camp experiences - I've read a ton of Holocaust stuff but this is the only thing that literally made me consider that I might

I hate gross-out stuff but I also have a pretty strong stomach. The first things that come to mind are Meet the Feebles (also, I really hate puppets) and the lunch scene in Dead Alive.

Thank you - it looks like it's on there. I have never downloaded something from a torrent before!

I am trying to find it. I'm doing a project on why people are interested in the Holocaust and I think it would be interesting for that. Any tips on where I could find it?

I thought they endorsed "fuckers"

Maybe part of it is that in my experience, white people don't have much occasion to ever say it in a casual social context. You are always either reading Mark Twain aloud in your high school classroom or haltingly singing along to something. So it's a word you literally never say for any other reason. Obviously that's