
You stop it!

My point is that removing the minimum wage just sets the baseline lower for everyone's income. The scenario you describe in which you pay more for better quality labor is identical whether the minimum starts at $2 or $7. Anyway, I still don't see where these $2 an hour jobs are going to come from.

I know this is a clip, I was talking about the trailer.

If you legalize paying $2 an hour, why would anyone ever pay $7 or $9 an hour? Jobs that pay $2 an hour aren't magically going to appear out of thin air. If they do, they'll be more of an incentive to businesses not to hire anyone who could legitimately demand more money than that.

I've seen the trailer for this twice (once in front of A Separation, once in front of In Darkness) and honestly it is a really shitty trailer. It almost looks like a parody because literally nothing of interest happens in it and what seems like the most mundane dialogue selected out of the movie is interspersed with

The problem with internships is that in many cases, internships are valuable to the career advancement of young people, especially for "good jobs." My impression is that they are especially valuable for certain careers such as nonprofit work and the legal and financial professions. So, doing an internship gives you an

By the way, I think it sucks that the AV Club has unpaid internships. I think unpaid internships are terrible and that they shouldn't exist. I've commented on it before when they have advertised for interns, no bongos though.

Could not agree more. What, I should feel sorry for the "poor" people who work in the entertainment industry and only have one iPhone? Seriously? "Barely cover rent living in LA or New York"? If you can barely cover your rent living in LA or New York, MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF LA or New York. Coincidentally, Austin is a

Pretty good. The person who sits behind me at work is out today so I've been fucking around online much more than usual. I'm looking forward to the weekend, we're watching and discussing Schindler's List in my Holocaust class tomorrow and then, as above, I'm seeing In Darkness on Sunday which I am so excited for. You?

So clearly it was just the wrong girl, I would love to go on a date to that movie. I seriously don't get why an "upsetting" movie is a date killer. If it's a good movie, I'll be pleased to have gone to it and it wouldn't be a deterrent from any romantic activity. What's wrong with these girls? Maybe I have no

I went out on a date once with a guy where when I asked him what kind of music he liked he replied with something like "Hmm . . . I like the Dave Matthews Band, and I really liked Adele's latest album." I literally did not know what to say so I changed the subject immediately. This was a normal intelligent person with

I had totally forgotten about this but I did literally tear up at the part when he saves Rogue, the first time I saw it. I fucking love Nightcrawler.

I just don't like that kind of humor. I like Spinal Tap but I hated Best In Show and the snippets of other Christopher Guest stuff I've seen. The style is just so cringey to me (I know, it's supposed to be like that) and I find it unbearable. It just doesn't suit me.

Wow, I had thought that I was unreasonably enthusiastic about Nightcrawler but this is really impressive.

Not to single you out at all, but I feel like if you're going to fuck, you'll fuck pretty much regardless of what happened beforehand. I have a hard time believing that the movies were the sole problem with all these encounters!

I hate Best in Show and apparently this is a total dealbreaker.

Fish tales. Just repeating that phrase because I like it.

My parents (they're both psychologists, but not the kind who see patients) and I went to the theater to see A Dangerous Method but we had got the time wrong so we had to go back home. I later learned that I had dodged a bullet.

Lots of people left Germany to go east, hoping to reach the Soviet Union, but got stuck in Poland and then were put in the ghettos.

Drugged or dragged? Both I guess?