
Wow I just noticed this new feature. I like it and will commence participating even though it's kind of late in the game.

Glad someone appreciated it! It's the best video on Youtube! Still is two years later!

I really like Chris, he made a huge impression on me. I know that what he and Snoop did was so reprehensible, and I feel that way about Snoop (even though she's fantastic to watch) but I feel like Chris Partlow always hinted at having some kind of moral code/inner dignity. They hint at his past a couple times like

I totally don't get either what he meant or what you mean he said.

What's wrong with his private life?

Guys is Bodie really underappreciated? Here we are all, appreciating him. I do like Omar more though. I was literally inconsolable when he died. We had to turn it off for a while.

This was my first Peter Jackson movie too. It's also the first "cult" movie I ever saw, when I was in ninth grade. I borrowed it from a guy in my video class who was really "into film" and it was kind of my gateway to being interested in that kind of movie. I never returned it to him, which I still feel bad about.

I feel the same way about Meet the Feebles - I have a hardcore puppet revulsion/phobia so Meet the Feebles is basically intolerable for me when you take that into consideration on top of how incredibly disgusting/depraved/horrifying it is (The Vietnam part is maybe worth it though, you're right). And yet I've seen it

I suppose you could call that "casually racist," yeah. I would more tend to say that even casual racism has to involve the presumption that there is something mockable or worthy of derision or at least to be taken less seriously about the group being joked about. Obviously there is a reasonable argument that if there

It's the juniper taste that I hate too. Also I drank too much really cheap gin my first year of college and so it tastes like throwing up to me now.


Gin is disgusting.

Not to be provocative but I don't think you can call that joke an example of "casual anti-semitism." It's just a racist joke, which some people think are always offensive but, I think, most people usually tell for the performative value of saying something shocking rather than for the actual content of the joke.

I still post! Just not as much as I used to. I did go over to twitter which is now making me feel like an AV Club-abandoning snob. I do miss the days of posting on here all the time though. I'll probably pick up again during Mad Men and Breaking Bad.

I blame the disappearance of Taste Tests and emergence of too many article series to keep up with. Also the new commenting system. I used to always participate in the Q&A but I never felt like staying up late on Thursday nights after I left college, and there's no point when it already has 1500 comments.

I don't mind multiple pages of comments but it's really irritating when threads jump from page to page. I wish that they had it the old way where you can have as many comments as you want on one page as long as they are all replies, not an original comment. I also don't really love threaded replies. It's visually

Those letters are still less depraved than Lost Girls (which I hate). Probably because you can tell they actually like each other.

You can remember them by thinking "For e.g.zample" and "I.n e.ther words." My seventh grade Latin teacher taught me that. (But it also helps if you know what they mean in Latin.)

It's not like I genuinely believe it was an accident but so many performers just throw the middle finger around in the course of their act that I wouldn't have to suspend my disbelief too hard if someone swore it had been unintentional. I have no idea if MIA does this or not, I mostly see DJs doing it.

The books are actually pretty good and clever. I know the topic is kind of silly, but Helen Fielding is a really funny writer.