
I like that about how the main characters aren't who you'd expect and everyone just seems normal and not lionized. L'Auberge Espagnole is kind of like that too, the main character is just a regular guy, maybe kind of a dick, not fantastically successful with women, good enough at school but not a nerd or anything. And

I guess I just feel that just because the world is a certain way, doesn't mean we can't wish it were different or try to think of ways to change things. (This is a universal sentiment, not just relating to this.) Not everyone who dislikes something about the status quo is simply a whiner who can't deal with reality.

Yeah, I didn't mean that I like this bill (though I'm not extremely well acquainted with all its details) or think THIS is the solution - just that I think it's worth it for there to be SOME solution.

My feelings on this are probably more mixed than most of yours. I am concerned about the idea, as above, that this sets a precedent for censorship (especially regarding arts criticism) and that it would facilitate undue punishment for what would probably not be legitimate infringements.

Fuck you Yummsh

Not to mention referring to Beyoncé as "that hot bitch in my home." What a weird phrasing.

Thanks for the link, I read the BBC article they linked from their list. Kind of interesting. I can certainly accept that British people don't have "diseased" teeth or more cavities or require more serious dental work or whatever but there is a marked visual difference in terms of crookedness or whatever. I just

I liked it a lot too.
I liked the Deathly Hallows movies very much too especially the scenes in Godric's Hollow. That sequence is really powerful (sad, creepy, terrifying) in the books and I think the movie came pretty close to the book.

The Phantom Tollbooth.

I usually think this but I really liked this inventory and it made me want to check out a few of the films I haven't seen. Especially The War Between Men and Women.

It seems like there is a really wide range of appeal in their lineup. I would never even think of going to Coachella but I'm irritated that Mt. Eden is coming to play it and apparently isn't going to play anywhere else in the States while they are here. (Unless they are and haven't announced it yet.)

I totally agree - I tried to get into NIN for a really long time (also about ten years, except I was a teenager when I started) because everyone predicted I would like it and I really only got into it in the past couple years, I don't know why. I just rotated it onto my iPod again this week.

My cousins took their little kids to see it and I went with them. I've seen the original movie too. The book is fantastic - Mary Rodgers is great, she's very funny and dry. My favorite was "A Billion for Boris," which is a sequel of sorts to "Freaky Friday." That got made into a movie too but I haven't seen it.

I saw it already but my dad wants to see it so I might go again with him. Both my parents saw the Swedish movie (I don't know how my mom sat through it - she walked out of Memoirs of a Geisha because it was too upsetting - my dad and I callously stayed) so I guess it'll be ok. I have watched Borat and Superbad with my

I kind of liked that part. Maybe this is girly but I think it's kind of nice and interesting to get a softer edge on her character. I also think it sort of encapsulates the difficulties people have communicating in real life, Mikael might prefer to see her to Erika but probably assumes she would not be into it. I

I hope Rooney Mara returns for it. She pretty much has to, right? It's weird to make the first film of a trilogy and then get another actress to step in? I thought Noomi Rapace was fantastic in the Swedish films but I have to say I like the somewhat "softer" version of her Mara plays, especially with respect to the

I didn't like the opening credits although I read a lot of people were saying how cool they were before I saw it. I just don't like CGI. I would have much preferred "real" footage. I do love the song and the whole soundtrack in general.

I liked Wishful Drinking (though the print was too big - rip off - this has big print too) but I thought this was kind of phoning it in. I loved Postcards from the Edge etc. so I was already a Carrie Fisher fan. I read this standing up in the bookstore - it's very, very thin. I liked the thing with the photograph

I watched Days of Heaven this year too! It's possibly my favorite new-to-me movie I saw this year.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely check it out, as well as pass it on to my former college roommate (we both did Slavic) who I gave "Between Shades of Gray" to for Christmas this year - she wrote her thesis on the commodification of memory at Gruto Parkas in Lithuania. What did you do in Vilnius?