
I really love all his albums and would happily listen to basically everything he ever recorded. Though I haven't tracked down any unreleased-but-available stuff of his. Even though his music so hews to its style and you could technically call it "samey" I never get tired of listening to him.

I think this looks great, but I have a high threshold for chick flicks (i.e. I actually like some of them), which this doesn't even seem like it definitely is. I agree, I LOVE Emily Blunt and I really like Jason Segal too. I'm excited to see this movie!

Hello! For some reason I don't read AVC as often as I used to, maybe bc I'm not watching any current tv show. Always happy to tell people on the internet what I think about Buffy or literally any other subject though

Yeah, I feel so sad for her. I really liked reading her memoir and it just made me so sad for what she went through and it makes me feel bad to like the show when I found out it was so anxiety-producing for her.

I think that's kind of a mischaracterization. I don't think that the writers ever perceived or depicted Anya as an "unserious" character. I think that the character's anxieties about feeling like not a real or serious person, which the writers definitely explore, thereby do make her a fully fleshed out character with

I was anorexic when I was in high school and I looked really bad. Like, I looked like someone with a fatal sickness looks, dull hair, gray skin, sunken eyes. Even if they're thin, these skinny actresses don't usually look that sick (or aren't photographed looking like it) so either the makeup and clothes are really

Sarah Michelle Gellar was on the cover of SELF magazine this month looking pretty and non skeletal and talking about how she doesn't weigh herself anymore. I was really surprised because on Buffy, she kept getting thinner as she got older, so I kind of thought that would continue. Maybe it really was just from being

The Factory Records remastered compilation has a bunch of the best songs from the era on it. I highly recommend it. The remastered New Order songs are particularly gorgeous sounding.

Is it possible to watch this movie and not eat noodles immediately afterwards?

I find the idea that this movie "shape[s] a subject’s story into a neat arc, where a defining
characteristic in the first act leads to a predictable uplift or
downfall in the third. This approach never does justice to human
complexity, and it only rarely does justice to a film" quite bizarre - the movie doesn't make

I thought he was a good choice for that reason - it was believable that everyone thought he was 26 due to his appearance, but also (almost) believable he was 16. But maybe that's what you meant too.

So which one of you guys owns Marilyn Manson's autobiography and still has it lying around? I have it in my room at my parents' house but I didn't recall that typo!

I think that kind of high fashion like the picture you linked is more like modern art or modern sculpture than anything that relates to what people wear in real life. It's not about clothing, it's about art that happens to be worn on people's bodies. I do not see the value in it myself, but I'm not a huge modern art

After we saw it my boyfriend actually scared me in the shower with a giant kitchen knife. But I think that it was somehow cathartic because I haven't been too scared in the shower since.

Michael Crichton is really into intestines-spilling-out scenes. There are a lot of them throughout his books. Yeah, there's a lot of graphic violence in the book that is toned down for the movie.

Oh man that dog mask scene.

I saw Psycho for the first time (in a theater with an audience! I'm lucky!) pretty recently and to me, the scariest part is how, at the end when you see Norman dressed up as his mother and it is really startling and frightening - then you imagine what Marion must have seen right before she died and how horrifying it

I think about the raptors in the kitchen scene all the time. So terrifying. I read the book too which has a lot of additional tension-building detail. Also, other scary raptor scenes but that one probably takes the cake.

Actually, Southwest boarding order doesn't have anything to do with what time you get to the airport. Online check-in opens 24 hours before boarding and your boarding number is assigned based on how soon you check in after it opens. I can't think of a better way to reward those who are able to "plan well." Given the

I fly Southwest a lot and I've never got the impression that they are unwelcoming to families with kids. In what I've seen, the flight attendants are usually very sweet to kids, try to arrange it for passengers to move so a parent and kid can sit together if they happen to get on late, etc. Yes, family boarding is