
I agree about the boarding process. It really works - though I can imagine not liking it if you're the kind of person who never checks in early, gets on last and is then annoyed at having to sit in a middle seat and put their bag somewhere else on the plane despite the fact that it's totally your own fault. But, you

I agree. Like you I'm not surprised and I understand why people feel the way they do but it still bothers me sometimes. I worked at a camp and there's this stipulation that female counselors have to wear a one piece bathing suit while there are no regulations for male counselors. That really irritates me. I wish there

Holy shit, great connection re. the box.


I lived on a college campus until I was like 13 (my mom worked there) and I heard that song played over the loudspeakers at one of their campus festival things, clearly sometime during the 90s. I've actually never heard it again, ever, but it really stuck with me. I was pretty young and was really disturbed by the

I don't think Mike literally has connections in Chile, but that the same demeanor that enables his professional success here in the US would also enable him to succeed when speaking to people who could help him get information in Chile.

I also find Walt loathsome. Moreso than it seems to me that Donna does even. Maybe there IS something wrong with you Broyles! To me, Walt has become obsessively narcissistic practically to the point of mental illness at this stage. He's so hubristic that it is disturbing to watch.

I don't know. I imagine that some of the people Mike would seek information from would be more likely to talk to someone like Mike with his tactics and "cred" than someone identifying himself as American DEA.

I agree that there is a bit of subtext but I think it would be a definite overreach to say definitively "Gus is gay" or "Gus and Maximilio were in love." I think this is a good example of Breaking Bad being subtle.

Great points, couldn't agree more. Good observation about how the revenge entails letting Hank live. Lots of options to weigh. I was thinking about Jesse too - "We're partners."

Is this a thing with drug movies? To me, Breaking Bad just has a lot of yellow scenes. (Also blue scenes, and I guess the lab scenes have been very red this season.)

Yeah, that is bizarre to me too. That was the best scene in the episode.

It's probably the best trailer I have ever seen. I get excited every time I see it. What the hell Amelie!

Getting pretty sick of these reviews that just describe what happened in the episode in an elegant sounding way. Can we get some actual analysis or insight please?

Why not The Bends? Myxomatosis is more interesting I guess but I'm surprised it didn't get at least an honorary mention.


The most memorable moment of the second Harry Potter 7 movie for me is Helena Bonham-Carter's amazing performance playing Emma Watson as Hermione. It's really uncanny - even though I knew it was going to be her, I almost thought it was still Emma Watson at first. I remember reading in an interview (maybe even the

I think Emma Stone is really hot but I really like Emma Watson too. It's probably just the Harry Potter mystique or whatever but I find her really pretty even though she may be plainer on a technical level. I don't know.

I was pretty pleased when I found out that German shepherds are just called "Shepherd dogs" in Germany. (According to my friend's German boyfriend, circa 2005.) Don't know why that made me so happy but it did.

Pamela Anderson has actually cut a pretty respectable figure recently. She is an avid animal rights advocate and also advocates for Hepatitis and AIDS awareness and stuff. I liked her columns in Jane.