
Sorry Josh. That really sucks.

Fuck these changes.

Fuck this threading. We weren't warned. I'm pissed as fuck. 

My favorite movie of the summer is Attack the Block. (Possibly of the whole year too). I really liked Super 8 too. After that I guess I'd have the Harry Potter movie, Captain America and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I didn't love either but they were pretty fun to watch. Thor was disappointing. I liked Bridesmaids,

I also think you have really good points. This is a lot of what I feel about the AV Club. I've always been registered but I have always really appreciated that AVC allowed unregistered comments. Even though people bitch about unregistereds from time to time I think in any kind of real discussion, they get treated

Thank you
for changing the collapse feature that people were the most upset about. It seems to me like a website almost never changes something like that on the advice of readers. I'm really surprised and pleased.

I saw Zodiac for the first time a few weeks ago and then read both Robert Graysmith books about the case. Have any of you guys read the books? Pretty interesting.

The parts with Sean Penn were by far the weakest and most boring parts of the movie, to me. I just felt like it didn't add anything.

Me too. Walt is increasingly acting like a lunatic. He's more and more committed to his narcissistic, self-aggrandizing fantasies. Even if they involve him taking sole responsibility for blame rather than praise. You're right, Miller, that the disconnect between Walt and the viewer is more and more. I think we are

Well, Walt's payoff of the Honduran laundry workers was a little more like that. But good point. Both events connect.

I would imagine that that was right after Gus noticed a truck or two getting robbed and that he put Mike there to scope out the situation and see how it occurred. And after Mike gave him info on how the truck robberies were conducted, he put lower level muscle there as protection.

I've gone back and forth on Bogdan. Here in my house we've been arguing over whether or not Bogdan deserves to lose his car wash. Before I was all gleeful over Skyler's devious machinations, mostly for their humor value, but I flip-flopped and felt really bad for Bogdan here. I liked that shot of him looking at the

Don't go!

I've sent emails and I think I even mentioned the issue in person to a writer at one of the Chicago things last year!
I find my comments by control-f'ing my name. It's a viable solution but it used to be so easy.

I agree that there are more than enough registered commenters with interesting and diverse opinions to continue to foster spirited discussion. However I'll stick to my guns that, as Japan said above, "offensive bullshit makes life more interesting." Not always, but I'd rather err on the side of including more than

Please, please, PLEASE
If you are changing a bunch of stuff with the commenting system, PLEASE fix the broken feature where, when you click on a post in your own profile, you used to be able to go directly to that post no matter how far down on the page it was, or which page of comments it was on. Now it is broken and

I honestly find some of the "sexist and racist" bullshit interesting. There is some that I presume is meant to be funny and that seems inoffensive to me. And some that is not, is frankly interesting and often provokes interesting discussions even amongst people who all disagree with the original point of view. Unless

I have to agree I'm intrigued by the idea that the most active threads would go to the top. I'm probably guilty of commenting in the second thread just because that's where all the back and forth is.

I don't want to social network here either. I like that the AVC is still holding out a vestige of anonymity on the internet. Some people have used their real names and links to their personal blogs and stuff here but plenty of people maintain a commenting identity here that is recognizable in this community but still

I don't see that we have a big trolling problem either so downvoting or closing a comment just doesn't seem necessary to me. Liking comments works pretty well on Slate (where I comment a decent amount as well) but up and downvoting is counterproductive to reasonable discussion.