
I think it's normal that people have kids and adds verisimilitude rather than being annoying. It would be too "on the nose" (sorry) if Walt Jr. got into drugs.

I don't think so. I think that he highly admired Walt's skill but he was demoralized by Walt's belittling his abilities and was frustrated that he was replaced with Jesse. I also feel like they worked together for only a very short time anyway.

W.W. is definitely Walt Whitman. Gale was too competitive with/annoyed with what he perceived as lack of professionalism in Walt to revere him with a dedication like that. I think it is a red herring.

This is by far the best episode of this season. It was like season 2 or some shit. Yay.

The Viet Cong also used tunnels fairly heavily, which Americans didn't, and the tunnels could be deciding factors in conflicts. (One of my favorite books is "The Tunnels of Cu Chi" by Thomas Mangold and John Penycate which talks about tunnel rats and the role of tunnels in the war. Highly recommend!)

I second all of what Okay Then said. I thought it was a really good movie and quite emotional at times. I thought the violence in the movie was particularly interesting because, as wrenching as some of the scenes of animal cruelty are, we definitely don't get the sense that the humans involved in combating the apes

Congo was my favorite movie for a bit when I was a kid. I've seen it so many times.

Yeah, death.

I agree that there seemed to be a LOT of apes in the final scene, but I don't know . . . maybe there were like 60 in the "prison" center and like 20 set free from the SF zoo? Would 80 be enough to account for how many it looks like there are? Maybe. I think it's also important to note that they totally don't take over

I think probably the reason that violence enacted upon men is so much more likely to be comedic is at least in part an evolutionary response. It seems more natural that men are out and about in the world, hunting and gathering and cognizant that this opens them up to physical risk. Whereas there's an instinct to

Yeah, I don't think they seem too mismatched either. I have a weird thing for Kathryn Heigl so I find her sympathetic too but I guess my instinctive reaction would be more in the "Rogen's character would never settle for someone as not-fun as her" camp. It's kind of funny, I feel like back in the day a romantic comedy

As many endings as there were
it bothered me that there was no real ending to the Dog/cabinet saga. (I don't find the "too many endings" any more egregious in this episode than any other though - aka, not really bothersome at all) I expected either a Larry pratfall or a Dog pratfall, not just Larry banging on the door

Poor Jesse. He's the rare person on the show who would probably benefit from Skyler taking his life over.

I agree, I think that some of the payoff with the cousins (aka all of One Minute, the surviving cousin dragging his legless self across hospital floor) was worth it but in some aspects they added what felt like simply pre-fab drama to the show.

Can we stop talking about the fucking hypothetical plastic surgery already? Why do you guys think she looks "better"? It's beyond me. She just looks different not better. The idea that she looks "more like an actress" since "getting plastic surgery" is bizarre.

I agree that "where did they get the money for the car wash" is a bit of a heretofore-unexplained plot hole but I think that a business venture such as buying a car wash is a lot more understandable than a random bottle of top shelf champagne. Because Walt is unemployed so it's reasonable that he is looking for a new

I bet
that Skyler can eventually talk Bogdan into selling her the car wash. Any takers?

I thought it was Gus's voice on the phone - was it Mike?

Yeah, as exciting as the main storyline is I felt that in this episode and the last, the Hank/Marie scenes really cut the deepest. I've never felt that they were mere background characters (the world of the show is really narrow - in my view, nothing in it is "background") but those scenes have been more emotionally

I had totally forgotten about Jesse's skimming until the re-weighing bit in this episode. I'd agree it seems more of a pride thing. Yeah, I think he probably makes enough from Gus.