
This whole episode had a pretty Western influenced feel which tone was definitely set by that first scene. He talked like Mattie Ross.

I still am totally unconvinced that she got plastic surgery. I think she just gained weight, which is sort of appropriate for someone who gave birth not super long ago; I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that she was asked to gain weight for the role. Not to insult Anna Gunn but I have no idea why you would get

Nobody really talks about it but typing a totally wrong word that sounds kind of like the word you wanted is extremely common and probably more and more common given how much we type these days. It actually is a kind of typo more than a malapropism. I typed "employees" where I meant to type "applicants" yesterday. I

Totally agree with your points Robevert.

Wait, I was wrong! Skyler DOES put Holly's carrier on the floor, but immediately behind the chair so that it looked to me like it was put onto the seat of the chair. Sorry Donna! But I don't see why putting it on the floor is a big deal either. Isn't that the safest place?

or manufacturer

I was cheering on Walt up until the third season/end of the second but the way he was treating Jesse soured me on him. Referring to him acting like a douchebag is about the way he treats Jesse and others, not any of his criminal acts. I don't feel the need to execrate him for being a drug dealer, the whole premise of

I'm just saying that it's not really necessary, and that you sound more like you're bragging about needing a 1000-page tome for your work or research or whatever than like you're trying to construct a good argument for e-books. Maybe I am some kind of prodigy but I've never had trouble finding a quotation I only

Wow, I never knew that about Evanna Lynch. I used to look at this eating disorder forum where one of the girls in it looked eerily like her and was always posting pics of herself that people were comparing with Evanna Lynch. I'm surprised it was never mentioned in that context.

Hey starvtwalker, throughout most of human history if you were writing a paper and needed a quotation you would actually have to be familiar with the text you were quoting (thousands of pages or no), or maybe to have taken notes or stuck a post-it or scrap of paper in to mark a passage you later wanted to use. What a

I like sweet potatoes and sweet potato fries but if I were going to get cheese fries or home fries with stuff on them, fuck a sweet potato.

Maybe you're right that he sees where he could fit in or whatever but he has just seemed so upset by violence over the whole rest of the series, that it seems pretty gearshift. I honestly think he was just upset/horrified/frozen, rather than contemplative. But, violence has become a source of power for Walt that has

Sorry for the rewritten double post, I got a weird error message so retyped my comment

I too like Skyler's devious moments, like faking labor or faking the panic attack with the locksmith. I hope, and suspect, that one of the major themes of this season will be Skyler's getting more involved in the criminal plotting side of things, such as when she decided they should buy the car wash instead of the

I like Skyler's devious moments too, like when she fakes labor and fakes a panic attack and stuff. It's a nice side to her character and I too am looking forward to seeing her get more into the criminal plotting, like when she says they should buy the car wash, etc. I hope that that is a major theme of this season and

No just more recent ones.

It's legitimate to find Skyler's personality unpleasant (she's so awful!) but I agree 100% that her being cruel to Walt is justified by his actions toward her (and/or that affect her).

I actually don't think that Victor was foregrounded in this episode to an excessive degree. Maybe to a small degree (which makes sense b/c of the plot). I find him a pretty striking character so I have always noticed him in episodes beforehand. That said I think that his death WAS pretty telegraphed - I was worried

The scene in the ice cream aisle strongly reminded me
of when I was like 16 and sat down in the local coffee shop at about the same time as these two other women. After they were all settled with their drinks and stuff and had started conversing, one of them turned to me and said "Would you mind giving us some

Oh don't get me wrong, I thought it was a big spoiler too and I wish it hadn't been there (though I can understand why it has to be if you are watching it on live TV). But it DID make me excited and apprehensive - although I'm sure I would have felt the same even without the warning.