
One random theme
I noticed in this episode was the intersection of the medical and the chemical through the entire series. I feel like this episode gave special attention to just how many hazardous chemicals are about in the lab. It's already been suggested that Walt originally got lung cancer because of exposure to

I don't remember seeing them in that ep but I haven't watched it in a long time (meant to rewatch season 3 in the last couple weeks but didn't really have time). Will check it out!

Not to change subject too much but I thought that that remark from Jesse could possibly be construed as a threat to Walt from Jesse. Like, they're ALL on the same page now, they could ALL conceivably kill the others. I don't think it was literally intended as a threat, but perhaps as a subtext or just something to

If Victor wanted to learn to cook I can imagine that he felt supplanted by Jesse. Also, he clearly regarded himself (deservedly, I think) as a complete professional and clearly didn't think that Jesse (or Walt either) was nearly up to that standard, so I'll concur with the contempt. Also, just the general idea that it

I never noticed Mike pull his gun. That's interesting.

It's weird to me that so many of you interpreted that as some stone cold gaze or something because I interpreted it as a look of horror and fear.

I like those cool insect-marked barrels. Do any of you know what is contained in those? I am assuming it's a real thing.

I thought it was a bit slow until I saw that "The following sequence contains extreme violence" or w/e flash up. More shows should do that if only to spike their ratings, I was in a state of unbelievable adrenaline from that instant on.

I also think that "seen at the crime scene" is a decent assumption but I actually think that he killed Victor more to teach Jesse and Walt a lesson, than for that reason alone. It's like how you can punish a very moral kid by doing something insanely unfair to someone else in front of him. I'm sure there are many

I'll admit that I sometimes have wondered why people get AS devastated as they do by the death of a baby, too. It can seem really hard to understand to someone who has never had a kid (like me). I think that you have to conclude that people project the whole idea of a future, aka hopes and dreams, onto an infant so

When I played the drums I used to practice the drum part to Paranoid Android because the time signature is so interesting and it's one of the few really cool, different drum parts to play. I think I listened to the real song on headphones during though.

The shot of him hanging out with the nurse who initially dismissed him as a thug is in the final montage of season 4, not season 5. I too wish we had seen him in the season 5 final montage, but the aforementioned shot is a pretty good postscript for his character even though he does show up in s5 a few times.

I love Michael Winterbottom and you're right about the Frank Cottrell Boyce scripts being a great piece of the puzzle. Another of my favorites is Welcome To Sarajevo which also has Boyce as screenwriter.

No mention of Terry Gross? Come on guys! I think she is the best interviewer I have ever heard. I especially admire the way she almost always seems like she has familiarized herself THOROUGHLY not only with the work the interviewee is talking about, but pretty much everything else he or she has ever done too.

I agree with kimstaff on all points.

Yikes, the comment was supposed to say:

Johnny Get Angry was a hit for Joanie Summers (Don't know if it was written FOR her but it was one of those 60's
I was waiting to see if it got mentioned here. I really love the song -

I love the Kitty stuff. My hair looks like her "down" hair if I don't straighten it and I always want to make Kitty jokes. I agree with Scrawler about why Lindsay is occasionally portrayed as unattractive.

I liked X-Men a lot but I thought Super 8 was a lot better.

I think the ending was probably the weakest part of the movie but I mean that literally and I really loved the movie in general, so it didn't spoil anything for me. That's pretty much the only alternative beyond them getting killed. Though I can see it being better if they just manage to escape without "talking" to