
I have seen it. Yeah, I didn't really mean that I think all movies portray female glasses wearers as unattractive until they remove them, I was just referring to the trope in general, of the "girl next door" or somewhat mousy type being attractive yet unnoticed until the dramatic denouement, which I think is still a

Little do you know that I actually cut my hair last November, Emperor Jim!

I think No Strings Attached did the "mousy girl takes off glasses and is hot" trope kind of interestingly. In that Ashton Kutcher briefly takes up with his coworker Lucy (Lake Bell) who is glasses-wearing and kind of awkward, and keeps throwing herself unnoticed at him, as a rebound from Natalie Portman. But even

I turned off Spun after like five minutes because I got kind of grossed out (mostly I just wasn't in the mood for it) but have always been meaning to re-visit it. But probably, after I see a million other things I've been meaning to see.

I feel like the reasons for their moves were always pretty sensible. For example they had to leave the house on the prairie because it had been officially declared Indian territory and it became illegal for Americans to live there. I'm not too well read in this period but I think that the drive to seek a new life in

I too would love love love to see Max's play. I think about it a lot (whenever I think about Rushmore that is). Margot also wrote plays.

I've sent in a question that, only slightly altered, later appeared under someone else's name but I can't even remember what it was now. This is a good one though. You guys all had a good idea!

Video Game
Did any of you guys see or play the Hobo With A Shotgun video game? They had the video game boxes in the Alamo Drafthouses here and I owned that shit. I wish I could play more levels but they only have one on those consoles and I don't have any Apple product whatever so I can't download the app. Sigh.

I can somewhat believe Natalie Portman as a hot astrophysicist but what's really unbelievable is her being a well-dressed hot astrophysicist. This is one of my biggest pet peeves though - movie characters dressing super well/expensively when there's no believable indication that they would. I feel like most foreign

I just saw it and thought it was OK, just OK. I like action movies a lot and went in with a pretty open mind. But I was surprised by this relatively high praise from AVC. I thought that the plot was creative and original, but rather all over the place, I liked the understated characterization, I thought that there was

I agree that Cate Blanchett's character is the weakest part of the movie (if that's what you were trying to say). I really really liked the movie overall but her character was such a cipher. Just the embodiment of the movie's moral, which, to me, was "Fuck the CIA."

I agree with you that the pacing was pretty original. I liked it a lot.

I agree that Breaking Bad is instantly gripping. I like s2 a lot more than s1 (s1 is so short though) but I definitely like s3 less. I agree that there are a lot of amazing episodes in it but the whole thing doesn't string together relentlessly the same way s2 does.

except or but - pick one.

Breaking Bad
I'm happy about Mad Men coming back except but really I'm SO EXCITED FOR BREAKING BAD THIS SUMMER.

I actually think that this is one of the rare recent AVQ&A's that's actually a good question. They have been pretty uninteresting as of late but this one's good.

I agree with Noel Murray - that Of Mice & Men stuff really disturbed and upset me. I made the connection later when I read the book in HS.

Crime & Punishment
I read it in high school and wrote a paper on it about how Sonya represented redemption and Raskolnikov sinning, but (spoiler alert) Sonya ended up redeeming Raskolnikov in the end through her purity and they become spiritual companions in a shared quest for absolution. I don't think this is a wrong

Is that the same episode where the vacuum cleaner goes crazy and starts sucking up everything? That really, really disturbed me as a kid. It's also the only episode of the show I ever saw because I didn't have Nickelodeon but my cousins did.

Is it actually widespread opinion that the third His Dark Materials book is the worst? I read them over ten years ago but I could barely claw my way through the first book (and I'm a really fast reader), loved the second book and thought the third book was the greatest literary masterpiece then written. I mean, I