
I can get that. Quite similarly I keep wanting to watch "In The Realms Of the Unreal" because I think Henry Darger is pretty interesting, but at the same time I'm creeped out by him so I don't want to watch "In The Realms Of the Unreal."

My Bloody Valentine
I really wanted to see them live in their earlier configuration. This doesn't fit the spirit of the original question but neither do several writers' answers so whatever.

Oh yeah I forgot about that moment! Funny. Yeah, Adrian is the perfect narrator - he is so sympathetic, but the other characters who are annoyed with Adrian in certain moments are also so sympathetic because of that. It is indeed perfect. The books are nostalgic but also very realistic. I'm American born in the 80's

Swobovian: Yes.

Yeah, I think that is supposed to be kind of a joke, even though I can sort of relate to it. I think Renee Zellweger gaining weight for the movie makes that point really well because she still looks hot but is not exactly skinny like a movie star.

Looking forward to the book at least
I think the books are great and really funny. Helen Fielding has also written two (I think only two?) non-Bridget related books that are very funny also.

As chick flicks go 27 Dresses is probably one of the best (to me, it skews more like Knocked Up than like, say, The Ugly Truth) and Judy Greer is really funny in it. She has a pretty small part in that movie but is very memorable. Relatedly I was surprised Todd described Kitty as "a very small part" because she

I love Sarah Michelle Gellar and was a big fan of her acting on Buffy. She had the hardest part by far - her part required much more range than the other characters - and I think she was probably the best on it beside James Marsters.

I don't love the show, but I enjoyed watching it (I think I've seen more than half of it) and thought it was pretty good. I find the complaint that the characters are unrelatable because of their wealth, lifestyles and possessions fairly tired because there is obviously a heavy element of fantasy in the show. It's

I liked the joke about her being 36. It was so weird and unexpected. Apparently she's actually 38, but close enough.

Scourge of the internet, creativity, humor in general.

Just saw it and really liked the movie. It was a lot of fun to watch, and while I couldn't help but wish it had been "better," it was still . . . a lot of fun to watch. I'm surprised that some people don't like Jay Chou in it because I thought he was really good (especially surprised by "fey").

I thought she had a pretty good role in the movie. There wasn't too much of her in it and there wasn't a romantic plot in the movie so it was original seeming.

I think it's kind of a weird picture too.

I just read Will Grayson, Will Grayson yesterday! I've been disappointed (but optimistically disappointed) with everything John Green has written since Looking For Alaska but I did like Will Grayson, Will Grayson.

I agree - I logged in specifically to upbraid Steve Heisler for calling New Yorker cartoons lame. I was quite surprised to read this article because I certainly wouldn't have imagined that an AVC writer, particularly Steve Heisler whose writing I like a lot, would have this opinion.

Infrasound is the coolest!

Saying "panties" sounds totally normal to me if some other chick or a magazine or whatever were to say it, but I have never used the term and would never. I don't know why. I say underwear instead.

Maybe you guys are just shitty empathizers. I thought the saddest part of Titanic was seeing the dogs get on with rich people at the beginning. I half-jokingly asked my dad if he thought the dogs died too, expecting some kind of vague white lie of reassurance (I was 11) and he said "Yes."

This is a purely theoretical argument for me because I don't have anything against this law (nor am I acquainted with legal matters at all). Having read a more detailed newspaper article about the bill, it makes more sense to me ("The Private Members' Bill, introduced by the MP on Oct. 23, 2009, seeks to change the