
That line gives me chills, too. It reminds me of/I feel similarly toward the beginning of King of Carrot Flowers Part 1.

Hey, people who like High Fidelity, you should read "The Show I'll Never Forget" which is this collection of essays by (mostly) music writers about their most memorable concert going experience. I kind of hate concerts but I still found the book incredibly relatable.

I didn't have a religious upbringing like depicted in Blankets so I never really related to that aspect of it, but I WAS sent to religious camp (Quaker camp - it wasn't particularly religious intrinsically, but religious camp is religious camp) when I was 14 for two weeks and a ton of stuff about his camp experience

Ugh, don't remind me. That scene with her and Dumbo touching trunks when she's locked up is practically the most sadistically tragic thing ever committed to cel. I don't think I've ever seen Dumbo all the way through because of it.

I really, really liked A Long Way Down. Maybe the female characters are unrealistically written, but they are both wack jobs, so I don't think they should necessarily be taken as examples of Nick Hornby's female character writing ability. LOVE How To Be Good and think about it like every time I see a panhandler.

I totally lost it at Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close too despite there being very little in it that provided a tangible parallel with my life. The scene where he plays the tape of the mom telling her Hiroshima story had me like dissolved in tears. And the part where Anna shows her little sister what kissing is

"My Heartbeat" is a YA novel (I worked in a bookstore in the children's department - this is my excuse, as if I need one, for following YA novels) about a 14 year old girl and her relationships with her brother and his best friend/not really boyfriend. "The Possessed" is a memoir about studying Russian literature in

My Heartbeat by Garret Freymann-Weyr.
And I'm only posting this because I'm pretty sure nobody else on this board will have read it.

I'm kind of jealous of your grandparents.

I agree that Walt has compromised Jesse's safety a lot and failed to stick up for him where he should have. Like I said, I was aghast when I thought that Walt was throwing Jesse under the bus to save himself, and I believed (sort of) that Walt WOULD do that. But then I definitely bought it that that was just a ruse in

I was convinced that Mike wanted to get Walt out of the way so that he could take out Victor, thereby saving Walt. I was wrong, though. And I guess needing to get Walt out of the way for that might not make much sense?

I really couldn't stand Gale and his obsequiousness, but I agree that this episode and moreover all you guys' recounting of it in this thread has made me warm up to him a lot (I hate libertarianism though). Many of those details are charming. But I would probably want to break his laser thermometer reader after a

I really liked that re. Saul's loyalty. A little surprised that Mike the Cleaner bought it. Yay.

I was disappointed with this season too, and I think Breaking Bad is the greatest thing ever so I really wanted to be fucking crazy about it. There were some great moments, but it just somehow didn't hang together like season two, which was incredibly tight and somehow deliciously slow/evenly paced yet never failed to

I guess they can always ask Danny Trejo.

Two might not be enough. It depends on what she feels like.

Obligatory comment every time this gets brought up: I don't understand why people's wives or girlfriends insist on dragging them to stuff. Don't they have friends who share their interests or are willing to see things by themselves? Or, like, go with their female relatives? Hell I LIKE seeing things by myself.

It's the AMA conference here in Chicago too, but I can't imagine that's distracting anyone more than the Blackhawks stuff is. One of my friends who is a med student got me a fake badge so I spent the night drinking free drinks and spinning a ridiculous web of lies about my medical school career. I just took the

Eh, they can't all be winners. Maybe someone else will get married!

Ew. I clicked on the picture that shows the womb open with "mutated fetus" within then changed my mind and closed the window before I could see it.