
Lady Gaga really reminds me of Marilyn Manson, in the best way imaginable (I like him a lot). I support that endeavor. This video reminds me a lot of that aesthetic but, as miles_underground says, it doesn't really suit Christina Aguilera.

I changed my mind. I gave Stylo way too much credit because it really stands out in contrast with the rest of the album. It's not nearly as good as, say, Sound Check or Dracula or Tomorrow Comes Today or Kids With Guns or El Manana or Man Research or . . . shall I go on? No.

I admittedly haven't listened to it more than a couple times but I REALLY don't like Plastic Beach. Stylo is great, but the rest of it not only doesn't really hang together but is just plain forgettable. Action Hank is right on with "it used to be Albarn moping over a backing track of straight heat, while nowadays its

On the other hand maybe reading this article will inspire someone to behave in a more thoughtful and respectful way in subconscious retaliation, or to write letters to his or her senator about writing a law about funerals not being able to be protested or something (I haven't thought that through for more than like 5

I agree re. Perks of Being a Wallflower. I don't think it's an especially good book (and it's kind of Mary Sue-y) but it did something for me at the time when I read it (age 14). Also I related to it a lot in the dimension that my friends were crazy into Rocky Horror and I was way too shy to go with them to the

I think Gemma is a much more popular/typical name in the U.K.

It's been forever since I read the book (and I don't remember anything about the movie besides, like, the images) but my vague recollection is that they just did it because it was a cool thing. I also think maybe they had people watching it on closed circuit television and betting on it or something? I could be

I thought Golden Age of Grotesque was worse than Eat Me Drink Me. Eat Me Drink Me is at least poppy as all hell. It's not really a lasting album at all, but it was a lot of fun to listen to when I first got it.

I also haven't seen it yet. I keep meaning to but stuff keeps getting in my way, most recently that Netflix sent me disc three before disc two of the first season. I sort of gave up after that. I found it a little hard to get into. Maybe over the summer or something.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Cedric Diggory. That one REALLY undid me. I was actually nauseated and left the house (inadvertently locking myself out) to get away from the book. I don't remember it in the movie unfortunately.

I hate that book. It's depressing as shit and does so without teaching any meaningful life lessons. Like, what? "Be grateful"?

I agree, but it must be kind of interesting/nice to be able to argue about some incredibly obscure thing you care about with the only other person/people on the planet who cares about that incredibly obscure thing.

I'm another person who really doesn't understand owning movies. Obviously, it's sometimes useful to own something , like if it's something where you want to watch it a lot (like most of you guys with Arrested Development) or it's a fun trick to bring to parties/show off that you own (like Meet The Feebles) or it's

Yeah, that was a bizarre interview and I'm not sure how I feel about it. The comments were all really interesting though.

I'd like to read that too. I also am perversely enough "all about" the hip-hop/rap yet also classical music.

Me too, but Control was awesome too.

Juanito: Yeah I am that other person who is not only there alone but also younger than the rest of the audience by like 40 to 50 years on average. Oh well . . .
And my favorites are, like, Viennese stuff with period instruments. And religious early music. /unspecific

Why am I always such a profligate typer? Anyway, I found the version of the song (with difficulty): http://bit.ly/8ZIrEk Really lovely.

Elliott Smith, baroque, Eric in the Evening's theme song
a) I've done pretty much every activity it's possible to do with music on while listening to Elliott Smith. For me it's the perfect mix of you can pay attention to it and it's fantastic, or you can have it as background music.