
That sounds like a really neat idea for a horror film. Babies creep me the fuck out, I'm especially repulsed by their awful, floppy, seemingly misjointed muscleless limbs. Cf. this past week's Inventory.

Did "Based on the trailer, the film adaptation looks like it recasts Marmaduke as a transplanted "teenage" dog trying to fit into his new home in Southern California, finding romance as he struggles against bullying 'pedigrees'" give anyone else a "dog version of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" vibe?

Yeah, I really liked this. It also gave an incredibly positive spin to the feature as a whole, which was a nice change (not that I'm complaining about the typical cynicism of AV Club . . . okay, maybe a little).

Yeah, I really liked this. It also gave an incredibly positive spin to the feature as a whole, which was a nice change (not that I'm complaining about the typical cynicism of AV Club . . . okay, maybe a little).

Fuck. Indeed. In fact, I am saddened that that was not the line.


Oh, I actually love Dead Alive (I got too grossed out to look at the second page). Fuck, that lawnmower scene is hilarious and disgusting and awesome. I have a creepiness exception for Peter Jackson, because the only thing I hate more than babies are puppets and I've seen Meet The Feebles like three or four times.

Hey, I went to Ozzfest in 2002 as well. I'm pretty sure Ozzy performed at it though. That whole thing was an eye opening experience.

I was already disgusted and repelled by babies. Thanks AV Club for the list of movies I should never see if I want to preserve my sanity, stomach contents, etc.

Did you see that fucking polo shirt of Saul's? Oh man! Love it.

Shoulda read further, I alluded to this up above. Yeah, I mean, it's true in life too that it's more fun to work with someone who annoys you/is "difficult" than someone who obeys your every word sycophantically. Also, dude is a fucking libertarian! ::shudder::

I agree. For some reason when Walt and Jesse were talking I kept thinking of the time that Jesse came to Walt's house when his family was all mad at him, and Walt made Jesse the breakfast that nobody else wanted. Now Walt is the closest semblance to family that Jesse's got. For me, too, this was the first episode all

I also think it's genius, although he definitely seemed to have lost his cool at least temporarily in the last episode.
My impression was that a lot of the "meticulously careful" part of his operation just came from the fact that there is (ostensibly) zero chance whatsoever that his places of business are even

Yeah, someone mentioned that earlier but I looked away as soon as I realized that the preview was spoiler-y (I usually don't watch them) so I wasn't sure. I sort of like it better my way. More expectation shattering.

Mike the Cleaner. That's what I think, too.

Another thing I really liked about this was that given how much it's been built up, much like the plane crash last season, with foreshadowing in every (or almost every? can't remember) cold open, we would assume that the story of the cousins would be stretched out all season in the same way, but those expectations

This is the only episode I got to watch live (and with my dad no less, so I had someone to pretend I was talking to instead of just yelling at the screen in a darkened room by myself) so far this season, and I too was REALLY annoyed by that. Dammit. The second Hank got shot I was like "Well, I guess I know from that

Holy shit, vol. 2
1) I thought the guy said he expected girls who wanted to be peed on would come from COLDER climes, you know, because it would warm them up and all. I guess I just have to watch the episode again right now. What a pity.

Holy shit!
Yeah, me too.

No, I know that everyone had that perception of her (even though I'm admittedly not old enough to remember that), it's just that now we have this trope of "Courtney Love is synonymous with brain-fried succubus whore and the platonic ideal of being a total fucking mess," and the author of the book (Geri Halliwell and