
I thought Exodus, Homecoming & Endurance all deserved A's. I thought this episode tapered off somewhat, though this review was very persuasive because the episode was admittedly messy and overstuffed

Has AV Club dropped Pretty Little Liars? why?!?!!??!?!

Anyone find it a little disappointing that the show is hinging its most serious obstacles to Emily's final revenge plans on literally something that was established in episode 5? Lydia's suspicions, that photo - this episode was so quiet (unlike the episodes that led up to the engagement party in season 1, which were

Yeah C+ feels about right, and so many problems were on display. The stakes were high, perhaps, but they never felt real and I spent most of the episode wondering how a secret passageway led to an elegant, aging mansion. The heavy lifting this episode had to do for Ravenswood didn't have much of a payoff - the

I was really disappointed the show couldn't find more to do with Cynthia Stevenson and that the show even dangled the possibility that Huck killed Eli but at least Mellie got to chew some excellent scenery; I do like the show hasn't forgotten its procedural angle and I hope Mary Lawrence is one of many clients

i'm enjoying these reviews.. I think AV Club Classic should cover Grace Under Fire

I loved how this episode alluded to how much Victoria really hates Emily - from Charlotte talking about Victoria's "Emily rants" to Patrick closing the door on her - and I hope the show explores this further ASAP. Victoria and Emily have perhaps the most compelling dynamic of the show and I think the second season

This is the show firing on all cylinders and arguably one of the finest season premieres for a drama, especially so considering how this show has to keep a breakneck pace while making sure we're still invested in the characters. How was it perfect? Let me count the ways.

Fair enough, but I'll say I'm 99.9% sure that it was Ezra (and this is definitely the most confident I've been about who A is in the tag).

I also enjoyed how his staff obtained an early copy of the script and staged a viewing of the episode with a group of single mothers.. the '90s really were such a different time

AV Club Roundtable you are not the only people disappointed with this episode, as this 1992 Entertainment Weekly article observes, many reviewers were unimpressed at the time: http://www.ew.com/ew/articl…

So many things, I don't even know where to begin

Hanna: Are you pregnant?
Emily: Shut up, Hanna.
. . .
Aria: We get it, you have a boyfriend. We've all had them.
Hanna: Yeah, even Emily.
Emily: Shut UP, Hanna!

Agreed, the Anne Heche episode was probably the best episode of the season and the stakes felt a lot different than in any other episode (I thought the Emma Thompson episode was well-executed and, tellingly, the non-canon mockumentary finale, were also strong and, more importantly, FUNNY). I also agree on the twist in

I appreciated the context you all provided; as someone who just watched the series all the way through (and, by the way, for the most part I was surprised by how little I laughed), it's easy to forget the dimensions of the environment within which this episode aired.
Yet as interesting as I found this episode I thought

Maude: Maude's Dilemma (1.09-1.10) - I mean, this should go without saying

Mona clearly knows a lot more than she's letting on considering the ease with which she pulled off that confession and the way she returned to Radley - I remember in the premiere she said Cece visited her but she couldn't really remember much, I think that's a lie. By the way when is Cece going to make an appearance?

A few things

I don't know I kind of loved this episode and while I'll never be able to keep up with all of the balls up in the air (though I have a feeling this will make it fun to come back to), this episode went in some interesting directions. To be honest predicating a commercial break on someone saying "This ain't Tippi the

At its best Pretty Little Liars is extremely talented at creating an impending sense of doom, as though the bottom could fall out from underneath at any time and even though the beats it's playing are familiar (and the show always walks back from the precipice), I still thought this episode was entertaining as hell.