Headache With Pictures

Ugh. Three guys make the same joke that Chandler made in about 1996:

"The Yaweh/Jehovah/Allah religions have killed more people than everything else combined."

"The Yaweh/Jehovah/Allah religions have killed more people than everything else combined."

Tarantino killed the Wilhelm Scream in Inglourious Basterds by putting it in Goebbels' movie-in-the-movie.

Tarantino killed the Wilhelm Scream in Inglourious Basterds by putting it in Goebbels' movie-in-the-movie.

Nathan Fillion, too.

Nathan Fillion, too.

What I don't understand is why he set the show in the present day. It is just such a bad idea. Why not set it in the past of the West Wing universe? He could still comment on the present, without everything he says coming across as "topical".

What I don't understand is why he set the show in the present day. It is just such a bad idea. Why not set it in the past of the West Wing universe? He could still comment on the present, without everything he says coming across as "topical".

Did you just call the Presidency a liberal institution?

Did you just call the Presidency a liberal institution?

I wish. This will last twice as long and be half as good.

I wish. This will last twice as long and be half as good.

He doesn't say "hotshot"?

He doesn't say "hotshot"?

"We got no food, no jobs… our PET'S HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!"

"We got no food, no jobs… our PET'S HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!"

Idiocracy is not a good movie — it could have been, but it was aborted. It is like Office Space's retarded brother.

Idiocracy is not a good movie — it could have been, but it was aborted. It is like Office Space's retarded brother.

"Just what the hell is that woman screeching about, anyway?"