Headache With Pictures



Facebook now has $100 billion to spend. It could acquire 100 companies, each valued at $1 billion. Anyone who says Facebook has to generate ad revenue now to justify its price is a moron. It will have streams of income coming at it six ways from Sunday.

Facebook now has $100 billion to spend. It could acquire 100 companies, each valued at $1 billion. Anyone who says Facebook has to generate ad revenue now to justify its price is a moron. It will have streams of income coming at it six ways from Sunday.

Since the Stormtroopers were all clones, Luke and the rest really only killed one gene over and over again.

Since the Stormtroopers were all clones, Luke and the rest really only killed one gene over and over again.

I'm not sure he actually had polio. I think that he maybe had some other thing that was rarer? To Wikipediaaaaa!

I'm not sure he actually had polio. I think that he maybe had some other thing that was rarer? To Wikipediaaaaa!

Olivia Williams as a lesbian, though?

Olivia Williams as a lesbian, though?

HAHAHA "Will Scarlett"

HAHAHA "Will Scarlett"



I demand a film that involves Galactus devouring a random planet while the speakers blare "SPACE LORD MOTHER MOTHER"…

They would have been better if they hadn't been a conveniently multiracial crew designed to pander to the broadest foreign audience.

The difference is it would have been too on the nose for them all to be eating hero (gyro) sandwiches.

There are ways around that. Maybe the Mandarin isn't Chinese, maybe he's a white guy from Hong Kong whose father was a business rival of Tony's father. That would certainly fit with the whole Lex Luthor technology-and-money (plus magic!) vibe the Mandarin always had. Maybe the Mandarin hatches a plan to bankrupt Tony

Did I just read a "I'm not the weirdo, you're the weirdo" argument on the A.V. Club? The internet is leaking…

Batman will die (or have his back broken, at the very least) for our sins.