Headache With Pictures

Haven't there only been two episodes of Veep so far? I thought the first ep was middling, and it definitely suffers from a lack of a Malcolm Tucker-type asshole character. Not sure if I'm going to keep watching it every week or wait until the first season is over to consider whether I should come back to it at all.

You think those depictions of sex are realistic? Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you people?

But they do it compulsively, and without joy.

"Can you think of any reason why someone would sodomize Chloe Sevingy with a banana?"

I am not from Peterborough. But I did live there for nine months one winter.

I think you can afford to sound a little immodest, then. Yowz.

I know, right? It's like they speak a different language in Ireland.

I am interested

Leonardo DiCaprio got really fucking lucky, is all.

Exactly. Sally Two-Trees is a dead giveaway, and so is the whipping scene.

The Holocaust happened because individual people started thinking and speaking in terms of "The Jews", "The Germans" and "The Chinese" as if those are real categories that have qualities that are good or bad.

I had not seen that, and I am entirely happy that it exists.


Law school?

Nymphomaniac II: The Choad Warrior.

It will "spread itself" you mean?

"Thriving" academic career in Boston means Harvard Professor or GTFO.

"Average" teeth. Excellent.

Yeah, well I saw "Malcolm X" in Harlem and got murdered by an unreformed Black Panther.