Headache With Pictures


Tim went back to school, finished his degree in Psychology, realized that he couldn't do anything with that, got a job selling potato crisps, fell back into the old routine of flirting with the receptionist to liven up his horrible job, cheated on Dawn, and is now a miserable, divorced man with a nine-year-old son he

They're just trying to keep The Hater away from us for as long as possible.

I assumed he meant the band. Which would be so much better/worse.

Mickey Dodgers is AMAZING.

That doesn't make any sense. Fucking on cocaine would be a very jittery, jackhammery, all-around-unpleasant experience.

I had only ever heard of it because of Die Hard.

Speaking of rubber suits…I learned today that the guy who played The Gimp in Pulp Fiction was the guard who got his head gnawed off in Austin Powers!

Just thinking about the dancing, ass-bleeding puff once made me laugh so hard that I nearly crashed my car.

Stop making everyone feel old.

I think I see why David Simon is so bitchy.

The Third Man (heh) killed Bodie. Chris and Snoop just drew fire.