Sweedish Beaches

new Ampere album??!
I had no idea these guys were still making music together, this is tremendous news. I'm beyond excited for a new album. It seems like its been forever since I heard anything new out of them, although that tour split of covers with Das Oath (containing the best Wire cover … ever?) has remained in


Really happy this album got some recognition. It's without question my favorite punk record this year. Any band that's got the balls to beg to be made a eunuch has my full attention and support.

Good start
But I'd add Saves The Day's "Through Being Cool" and "Stay What You Are" and Cap'n Jazz.

This list is a much more apt representation of the best music from the the 2000s than the top 50 you guys posted yesterday. Hindsight?

Solid choices all around
Baroness' "Blue Record" is incredible, and I'm in definite agreement on Harvey Milk, Boris, Pig Destroyer and Converge.

only child excuse?
Pretty weak. If anything, your lack of in home influence and/or social ties should've introduced you to a lot more films. Especially "Ghost Busters."
Jesus. Christ.

I'll always love "Halloween," but for me "Black Christmas" is still the best slasher film. The concept of the killer as vaguely drawn, maniacally voiced and never shown is far creepier than ever getting the end reveal pay-off that's expected in most horror movies. It's also full of wonderfully menacing scenes: the