
people should get over the fact that melissa tried to do something that didn't work right away. lots of people try stuff that doesn't work right away that is in fact the nature of your job creatively. and the business is impossible. plenty of good stuff doesn't happen and your job as a writer, actress, producer is to

no i didn't write songs on this show this was rachel and tony and although no one would claim it was perfect it was designed to be grungy and garage made and jangly and long and loose with ripping guitar breaks, etc. some songs were 6 minutes and they cut all of that and put the insipid stuff in between to make it

hey the reason this album is a mess is because sony dumbed down the album as we were making it. there was a crisis when we delivered the first tracks because it sounded too good and too much like an adult rock album. and in those pre lizzie mcguire, miley, jonas, bieber days there were kiddie albums and adult albums