

That makes about as much sense as "if you don't like it here in america, why don't you leave?" Did I say I was "too smart" for it? I go to community college and barely pass my classes. I like to watch cartoons. If I was smart I would read or something. This show just really blows. I mean you can't argue that it's just

me too

a joke?
is it?

maybe i'm wrong
but i think i would have liked this a lot more had i not had to have been to subjected to the months long grueling and cringeworthy media onslaught. The daily stories about her love life were too much. she didn't need that to sell her book.


It's sad but Dwight is becoming less and less funny. And Erin is too.

No, he doesn't work at the cia anymore. He doesn't work ANYWHERE anymore. Can you imagine, constructing an entire television show about an angry post 911 dad working at the cia and actually selling it to fucking FOX and then the Bush administration comedy/tragedy unfolds and you just decide just, you know, to drop the

I'm sorry, AV Club but you have lost all credibility with me. That episode of America Dad was the friggin worst piece of unmitigated crap I have ever actually seen broadcast on tv. The fact that you, as a reviewer, assuming there is an actual reviewer at work here, can look at that and make reasonable critical