Corey Chapman

Helluva finale Sunday night. It appears that Don is finally shedding his skin, possibly returning to his older self,Dick Whitman. Did have a question, did Pete quit SC&P? It sounded like he was headed to LA, and Trudy said he was finally free of "them." Anyone catch that?

A+ episode.
Alright, what is Bob Benson’s end game? I have seen a ton of
different theories on the message boards the last few weeks: he is a red
herring, that he is Don’s long lost son, a rival agency’s spy, and of course,
just a super duper guy working his way to the top with kindness. We discuss Bob
on this week’s

This was one
of the wackier episodes of Mad Men I can recall. After it ended, I sat back and
wondered how I was going to break it down on Mad Cast. It was schizophrenic.  It was manic. That
vitamin shot affected different people in different ways. We spend the entire
episode thinking that Don is on a mission to solve the

Another fantastic episode! The season is getting better and better. They finally gave Bob Benson something interesting to do rather than walk around the office seeing who needs a cup of coffee! And Don & Teddy flying together? Brilliant! Joe and I review the episode on MadCast, which can be found here. https://itunes.a

There was some hypocrisy among the partners when Pete, Don, & Joan are arguing about losing Jaguar. Don acted without considering the rest of the agency, true. But Pete, Burt, and Joan got the ball rolling on going public without consulting Roger or Don. Not sure Joan has the right to act all high and mighty.

Finally, this season is starting to pick up! "To Have & To Hold" was a great episode! Project K felt very caper-ish, it was good to see Harry finally stand up for himself, albeit for the wrong reasons, and we finally get a good Joan story line! We discuss these topics and more on the MadCast Podcast, available on

of the feedback that I have read about “The Phantom” was described as a letdown
or lacking ‘action.’ Do yourself a favor and watch it a second time. Sure, it
did have the explosive storyline of a man’s suicide (Commissions & Fees) or
the indecent proposal (The Other Woman) but was very effective wrapping up the

of the feedback that I have read about “The Phantom” was described as a letdown
or lacking ‘action.’ Do yourself a favor and watch it a second time. Sure, it
did have the explosive storyline of a man’s suicide (Commissions & Fees) or
the indecent proposal (The Other Woman) but was very effective wrapping up the

The Mad Cast podcast mourns the loss of Lane in this weeks episode, "Commissions & Fees" http://itunes.apple.com/us/… 
Is Don to blame? Will Bert put two and two together? Do we really need Betty on the show?

The Mad Cast podcast mourns the loss of Lane in this weeks episode, "Commissions & Fees" http://itunes.apple.com/us/… 
Is Don to blame? Will Bert put two and two together? Do we really need Betty on the show?