
Saturday Night Live is new, and UFC 167 Tonight!!!
UFC 167 is being shown in movie theaters!

NBC - lets put our only good show on hiatus.
More dumbass, racist sitcoms with bad words in the title!
How about,
"My Husband is a dumb Mother&%#$er!!!"

That was the restored bike, formerly displayed behind glass in the clubhouse. I forget who it belonged to originally.

Slacker is my favorite. Songza and Soundcloud great, too.

I laughed about that exact line for no reason yesterday.

@SeinfeldToday on Twitter covers it

ModernSeinfeld @SeinfeldToday on Twitter

Seinfeld's Candy Bar lineup is my favorite.

Capone is missing. You know he's planning something big.

Yes! This show was awesome and super weird.

I thought this was a great episode.

TLC was 1992. I wouldn't really consider them part of that golden age.

My favorite one is when they take him to 7-11 and teach him how to make burritos and to drink Icee's right from the tap.

Onion News Empire was the best one, IMO

Sorry, 'Mom' but there's only room for one raccoon on Mondays.

Worth it. It's an incredible show.

I'll watch it I guess?

Low Winter Sun is sooooo good, that you guys give it C and D ratings?

We're watching back to back episodes of Dexter to get caught up!!!

@avclub-fb3deea8bff8902a6a092a4b532b4a68:disqus Well played. Enjoy.