
I'm gonna have loved ones in a few months?!?
This will be the best unspecified holiday ever!
Thanks The A.V. Club and Phil Dyess-Nugent!

If you don't enjoy television or film, what are you here for?
Shitty U2 and Nine Inch Nails covers?

Change? We fear change.

Good idea.
I love both the discussions and the reviews. I don't really bother with Metacritic at all.

Also, the lawyers hands were small and creepy.
The whole thing freaked me out.
I kinda hoped he would have been 'accidentally' shot/killed by Frank.

I'm sure everything will work out fine for all those involved.

They are facing a psycho hillbilly hit-squad with some serious weaponry.
If they aren't dead, it will be absurd.

I meant if this wasn't a silly tv show, of course.
The four of them wouldn't have made it to the credits.

Zero chance that Hank or Gomez are alive.
It is impossible.

I'm so confused.

So people have to choose between hate watching The Newsroom, or the Cowboys game?

I politely request an explanation for all the Tony Romo references.

For delicious Wilmington Cigarettes?

Aaron Hernandez is the real Bay Harbor Butcher.
Even Dexter is like, "damn, dude, you're a fucking psychopath."

Soundgarden is amazing. 
This whole album is incredible.

I would rather watch a Dexter Season 6 marathon, than any sports, so I don't get the reference.

hmm… I'm a working poor white person living in Toledo.
I will not be fine. Statistically, I'm almost guaranteed to commit suicide.
I work for probably the wealthiest, most respected investment firm in the city, for the most bland, white-bread, stick up their ass white folks you can imagine, making McDonald's money.

Dexter had balls to take last week off.

I enjoyed the first two season.
This season, watching became a chore.
I might finish it, after the review the finale received.

This show is awesome.
I started with the UK version with Andrew Lincoln.