
U2 is awful to listen to.
Their fans are unbearable.
Yuck, all around.

I would move to Mexico.

That baby might still have a chance.

I kinda think this whole thing should go fuck itself.

Kill Tony #12!!!

It's Always Sunny on Wednesday, and Sunday Night Football on Thursday?
Screw it, I'm watching Netflix.

That Haley chick sure is hairy.

I had to download it. No tv.

It's a workprint.

Your friend's step-mother's a bitch, yo!

I'm weird enough without getting aroused by this kind of stuff.

No, it was definitely my fault.
I broke the economy downloading 'New Girl'
It was kind of worth it. Funny show.
Sorry everybody!

The weed thing annoys me most of all.
He's just an obnoxious jerk-off about it.

Does anyone else find Seth Rogen unbearable?

Yep, you're totally right. The baby makes a few sounds when they are arguing in the hotel.

Yes. I was probably so focused on Walt that I forgot. They show the baby only in the scene where Skyler bring her into the house when Walt is scrubbing the carpet.
They show the crib in the hotel room, also.
I realized it shortly after I posted the comment. You can't delete comments, so I just left it. I changed it to

Drugs Inc, from the National Geographic channel is fascinating.

I didn't read it. 
I meant it only as a reference to Big Jim.

Oops, I'm an idiota.