
If you have Netflix its on that. Its worth checking out. Its much better than the US version.

I saw him open for Social Distortion.  It was pretty great. The funny thing is though. I never really listened to hot water music. not that i didn't like them, but they never really made a huge impression on me.

hah. I downloaded it illegally. take that Kutcher!

Dennings tits are an easy letter grade.

Lt. Worf is a psychiatrist

Why do you hate America?

I agree,  it seems when the show tries to  be all serious business, its not as good.

I don't think it was a rape joke, i think it was a gay joke. since he said they went on without her.

this is showtime. they are pros  at making a good idea stretch beyond its initial story.

It was Frakes. With a drink in hand, aa wry smile, and a twinkle in his eye.

I'm sorry but there is no way capt winters is a bad guy

Saves the Day.  Chis Conley is a great songwriter.  "Stay What You Are" is one of the best pop rock albums of the '00s, and their output since then has been decent to great. Maybe its the nasally singing voice.

I am happy to say I still have not seen one episode of this show.

I enjoyed the Gambit two parter.. "Lower Decks" and "Pegasus" are also good, not to mention the finale. I think thats pretty much it though. "Preemptive Strike" is decent too.

His name is a typing error, its actually RapingBear

I thought this was already settled via a horribly edited youtube video?

she was cute too.

look at that smug cocksucker. just look at him. look

no homo