I Will Be Damned

And apparently I should have scrolled down. Alas.

And apparently I should have scrolled down. Alas.

Has anyone rewatched the entire series? I'm curious to see if the less-than-stellar episodes are redeemed somewhat when you know how it all plays out. But seriously, yeah, the finale…I can't hear that song without my chest tightening in a pre-crying jag sort of way.

Has anyone rewatched the entire series? I'm curious to see if the less-than-stellar episodes are redeemed somewhat when you know how it all plays out. But seriously, yeah, the finale…I can't hear that song without my chest tightening in a pre-crying jag sort of way.

Hey, were you at the Saturday night showing in Jesse Theatre?

I was a freshman when this came out, and I remember not being impressed. I haven't seen it since then, though…I'm wondering if it's worth a revisit, or if there are significantly better films that I could be watching with that time.

That's plausible, but other people on this board have pointed out that we've seen non-zombie corpses before. Which doesn't rule out what you're saying - it could just be that maybe those weren't infected?

I did as well.  But perhaps we're giving the writers too much credit. 

It's been awhile since I've seen Season 1, but I thought what Jenner told Rick had something to do with the blood tests.

If you live in a small rural town, it's not beyond belief that you would know where people live even if you just kind of knew them, even if it's just the general area.  When people came into the small grocery store I worked at in high school asking for directions, the owner would always ask who they were looking for,

@avclub-af7809fb474b9a36411cbdfc73757dcb:disqus I agree with you completely.  Yeah, Rick killed two of their guys, but those guys gave off a bad vibe, and as soon as Randall mentioned being complicit in rape, they should have killed the guy right there.  This type of situation is like the old west, thus I think Gus

@avclub-6ff5bdb6993d17dc049595a7ada23ee5:disqus we noticed that as well.  I'm not going to jump on the "Rick and Lori are dumb and inattentive parents" train yet, but they are quite unobservant.

I was sincerely hoping that Carl would kill him right there.  The downside of that would be more scenes of Lori fretting.

I almost choked on my chicken on the Constant Comment line.  It's about time that damn fine tea gets recognized. 

Wait, I thought heroin was the "white tiger."  Or is it opium? 

But that didn't keep all the men from coming every night and laying their money down.

The only thing I remember about it is that someone said the word "damn" and I was SHOCKED to hear that word in a cartoon.

IIRC, it also had something to do with how Paramount (or some company) co-owned Deadwood and got most of the DVD sales or something.  I'm probably getting the details wrong and I'm too lazy to look it up, but there was a co-ownership issue that affected HBO's profits on the show and led to its premature cancellation.

It was a scene that was written but never shot.

Put clear toenail polish on those chigger bites.  Believe me, it helps.