Tracys Face

Maybe that'll do it. The movie certainly improved upon my second and subsequent viewings.

Ugh, Reality Bites. I love how it actively celebrates Winona choosing the unrelenting douchebag played by Ethan Hawke. It cracks me up when I hear that some people can't get into Before Sunrise because of how much they want to punch Ethan Hawke in the face. They've got the right attitude for the wrong movie.

Ugh, Reality Bites. I love how it actively celebrates Winona choosing the unrelenting douchebag played by Ethan Hawke. It cracks me up when I hear that some people can't get into Before Sunrise because of how much they want to punch Ethan Hawke in the face. They've got the right attitude for the wrong movie.

It's easy to forget how solid the first movie is. Shame how lazy the sequels turned out to be.

It's easy to forget how solid the first movie is. Shame how lazy the sequels turned out to be.

I genuinely would be curious for an explanation for American Pie. The others I get; AP seems harmless in comparison.

I genuinely would be curious for an explanation for American Pie. The others I get; AP seems harmless in comparison.

I think you and I watched two different movies.

I think you and I watched two different movies.

Joey Lauren Adams*, people. If you're going to bash, bash correctly.
And I thought she was very good in the movie.

Joey Lauren Adams*, people. If you're going to bash, bash correctly.
And I thought she was very good in the movie.

The cast and clothing definitely scream 1995, but I feel like K&S establishes a timelessness that makes it resonate just as much today as it did then. A movie like Before Sunrise has this as well. A movie like Reality Bites does not.

The cast and clothing definitely scream 1995, but I feel like K&S establishes a timelessness that makes it resonate just as much today as it did then. A movie like Before Sunrise has this as well. A movie like Reality Bites does not.

Pleasantville! Good for you. It seems like that movie has gone all but forgotten, and it's a damn shame.

Pleasantville! Good for you. It seems like that movie has gone all but forgotten, and it's a damn shame.

Oh, goodness, no. Both great movies, but completely different.

Oh, goodness, no. Both great movies, but completely different.

Age of Innocence.

Age of Innocence.

We definitely disagree on Shawshank, but you've made your case for disliking it, here and elsewhere on this page, with intelligence and insight. I can respect that without going along with it myself. So, for what it's worth, I don't think you're a cynic hipster.