Tracys Face

That was really nice, thanks for the link.

I did the same with Rugrats.

I did the same with Rugrats.

I saw her, and then Patton Oswalt, several years ago when they were on the road promoting Ratatouille. It was a glorious evening.

I saw her, and then Patton Oswalt, several years ago when they were on the road promoting Ratatouille. It was a glorious evening.

I believe she's still on the stand-up circuit.

I believe she's still on the stand-up circuit.

O'Doyle, I got a feeling that you're whole family's goin' down.

O'Doyle, I got a feeling that you're whole family's goin' down.

Do you have any more gum?

Do you have any more gum?

I'll go to my grave praising the genius that is Step-Brothers.

I'll go to my grave praising the genius that is Step-Brothers.

Is there a moment in the Pixar canon more fundamentally, effortlessly, joyfully *life-affirming* than Dash's little chuckle upon the realization that he can run on water in The Incredibles?

Is there a moment in the Pixar canon more fundamentally, effortlessly, joyfully *life-affirming* than Dash's little chuckle upon the realization that he can run on water in The Incredibles?

Mystery Men. She knew what she was doing with that bowling ball.

Mystery Men. She knew what she was doing with that bowling ball.

Andy Dick has damn near ruined NewsRadio reruns for me. Even though his character is mostly inoffensive and harmless, I can't not want to throw heavy objects in the direction of his stupid face.

Andy Dick has damn near ruined NewsRadio reruns for me. Even though his character is mostly inoffensive and harmless, I can't not want to throw heavy objects in the direction of his stupid face.

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus is right on the money about people who grew up with those movies. Bring up Madison or Gilmore to certain twenty-something dudes, myself included, and they can quote those things by heart, chapter-and-verse, without even having to try.