Tracys Face

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus is right on the money about people who grew up with those movies. Bring up Madison or Gilmore to certain twenty-something dudes, myself included, and they can quote those things by heart, chapter-and-verse, without even having to try.



What about Casanova? That looked pretty bad.

What about Casanova? That looked pretty bad.

@avclub-f0a25fc22f6198ce61fe90730dc075e1:disqus isn't wrong to bring that stuff up.

@avclub-f0a25fc22f6198ce61fe90730dc075e1:disqus isn't wrong to bring that stuff up.



No, no, don't be sick! Here, why don't I put on a mixed tape with at least two songs by The Smiths while we drive off to go see Rocky Horror.

No, no, don't be sick! Here, why don't I put on a mixed tape with at least two songs by The Smiths while we drive off to go see Rocky Horror.

Thanks for the recommendation. Now I'll be king of all the dorks.

Thanks for the recommendation. Now I'll be king of all the dorks.

Wait…which moment are you talking about? Paul Bettany's pasty ass? Who wouldn't be into that?

Wait…which moment are you talking about? Paul Bettany's pasty ass? Who wouldn't be into that?

Aw, come on.

Aw, come on.

But on that plane ride, @Scrawler2:disqus….for even just one instant….could swear…that she felt…..*infinite*…..

But on that plane ride, @Scrawler2:disqus….for even just one instant….could swear…that she felt…..*infinite*…..

I recall you recommending King Dork on the other thread as well. I had never heard of it before, so I looked it up. Sounds terrific. Will be picking it up from the local library soon.