Tracys Face

I recall you recommending King Dork on the other thread as well. I had never heard of it before, so I looked it up. Sounds terrific. Will be picking it up from the local library soon.

I miss Lohan's Mean Girls *career*. Remember that? On the way up, full of promise, not a single cloud on the horizon.

I miss Lohan's Mean Girls *career*. Remember that? On the way up, full of promise, not a single cloud on the horizon.

I'm still blown away by how matter-of-fact Fast Times treats that subplot. Good for Crowe and Heckerling. 

I'm still blown away by how matter-of-fact Fast Times treats that subplot. Good for Crowe and Heckerling. 

Does he even have a speaking role in Darko? For the life of me, I can't remember Kranz anywhere in that movie, and I've seen it plenty of times.

Does he even have a speaking role in Darko? For the life of me, I can't remember Kranz anywhere in that movie, and I've seen it plenty of times.

Count contains a fantastic short film (all of the Caviezel/Harris stuff) wrapped in a pretty mediocre feature film.

Count contains a fantastic short film (all of the Caviezel/Harris stuff) wrapped in a pretty mediocre feature film.

Damn. Just hearing the title of that movie will get me crying.

Damn. Just hearing the title of that movie will get me crying.

Yeah! Big Fan! That made boatloads of cash!

Yeah! Big Fan! That made boatloads of cash!

I'm right there with you, although I tend to keep my love for Grandma's Boy a bit close to the chest. Friends of mine either haven't heard of it, or they assume that I'm being ironic.

I'm right there with you, although I tend to keep my love for Grandma's Boy a bit close to the chest. Friends of mine either haven't heard of it, or they assume that I'm being ironic.





Agreed, but for me it's also very similar to Garden State in that I keep both in the same pile labeled "Shit I Thought Was Profound And Beautiful When I Was Seventeen But Not So Much Anymore."