Tracys Face

Agreed, but for me it's also very similar to Garden State in that I keep both in the same pile labeled "Shit I Thought Was Profound And Beautiful When I Was Seventeen But Not So Much Anymore."

I don't believe I made it that far during the show's original run. What infamous moment are you referring to? Is this related to that screen-cap of Van Der Beek crying that has become a running joke?

I don't believe I made it that far during the show's original run. What infamous moment are you referring to? Is this related to that screen-cap of Van Der Beek crying that has become a running joke?

"art-damaged B-movie"

"art-damaged B-movie"

It's true. I remember that. It was awesome.

It's true. I remember that. It was awesome.

"The *Batman* soundtrack!"

"The *Batman* soundtrack!"

I'll second that.

I'll second that.

Million dollar wound, but the Army must keep that, 'cause he hasn't seen a penny of it.

Million dollar wound, but the Army must keep that, 'cause he hasn't seen a penny of it.

Still preferable to Tom Hanks IS Robert Langdon in Dan Brown's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Still preferable to Tom Hanks IS Robert Langdon in Dan Brown's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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My personal experience with Rand fans have been a couple of otherwise lovely, well-meaning friends who inexplicably took to Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead like gangbusters. Invariably, these same friends were also of the type who claimed, even sometimes boasted, that they normally don't enjoy reading novels, but

My personal experience with Rand fans have been a couple of otherwise lovely, well-meaning friends who inexplicably took to Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead like gangbusters. Invariably, these same friends were also of the type who claimed, even sometimes boasted, that they normally don't enjoy reading novels, but

His recent, rampant assholery aside, I've just never clicked with Ellis' stuff as a reader. I've tried making my way through both Less than Zero and Rules of Attraction (I enjoyed the movie, too) multiple times, and always end up putting it down in favor of something else. And it's not the seediness of the content or