Tracys Face


Aniston is great when she wants to be. I just can't remember the last time I saw her in a movie where she was actually, you know, trying.

Aniston is great when she wants to be. I just can't remember the last time I saw her in a movie where she was actually, you know, trying.

By the time the show ended, the characters were supposed to be in their mid-30s. Your incredulity is justified, though - by the time they did the "we're all 30!" episode, the entire cast looked much, much older.

By the time the show ended, the characters were supposed to be in their mid-30s. Your incredulity is justified, though - by the time they did the "we're all 30!" episode, the entire cast looked much, much older.

Yeah, but they used sidelined-Phoebe well in that episode, with her gradually growing insane trying to reach the gang but having to deal with snooty Brits on the other end of the line.

Yeah, but they used sidelined-Phoebe well in that episode, with her gradually growing insane trying to reach the gang but having to deal with snooty Brits on the other end of the line.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.

I always lose it when Bookman accuses Jerry of being "flashy and making a scene," and Jerry responds to that by bemusedly looking down at his tucked-in shirt. 

I always lose it when Bookman accuses Jerry of being "flashy and making a scene," and Jerry responds to that by bemusedly looking down at his tucked-in shirt. 

"You took this book out in 1971."

"You took this book out in 1971."

When the devil came…was he red?

When the devil came…was he red?

When the sister is Carey Mulligan, the neediness is forgiven and there ain't no "possibly" about it.

When the sister is Carey Mulligan, the neediness is forgiven and there ain't no "possibly" about it.



Big fan of the first two. Excited to read this news, but - as was mentioned by someone else - Sunset raised the bar so high that I'm worried that they won't stick the landing. We'll see.