Tracys Face

Big fan of the first two. Excited to read this news, but - as was mentioned by someone else - Sunset raised the bar so high that I'm worried that they won't stick the landing. We'll see.

Quite a long time after the fact, I know, @avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus , but I think what @avclub-518f6fc78175d18f8c6e1da9e20e597c:disqus was referring to is the fact that while Willingham's wife initially stood by his side and maintained his innocence - even after they had divorced while he was

What?! The Late Greats!
(Smashes beer over Craig's head; epic bar fight ensues.)

What?! The Late Greats!
(Smashes beer over Craig's head; epic bar fight ensues.)

Um, do you - you remember the time when you were with Wilco, and, um, you-you guys made Yankee Hotel, um, Foxtrot?

Um, do you - you remember the time when you were with Wilco, and, um, you-you guys made Yankee Hotel, um, Foxtrot?

The fourth season is worth your time. They do a mostly-admirable, fun job of making up for season three. Lovely finale, too.

The fourth season is worth your time. They do a mostly-admirable, fun job of making up for season three. Lovely finale, too.

That was far too accurate and brilliant for you to not be a fan, Miller.

That was far too accurate and brilliant for you to not be a fan, Miller.



Bring Marissa Cooper back from the dead and then kill her off all over again.

Bring Marissa Cooper back from the dead and then kill her off all over again.

These Coldplay jokes had me laughing tears.

These Coldplay jokes had me laughing tears.

That little nod he gives before delivering the line, just this resigned, "Yep, I'm about to die, might as well enjoy some scotch" kills me.

That little nod he gives before delivering the line, just this resigned, "Yep, I'm about to die, might as well enjoy some scotch" kills me.

One of many. I can't remember the last time I so wanted to be like a fictional character. Lt. Archie Hicox takes the cake.

One of many. I can't remember the last time I so wanted to be like a fictional character. Lt. Archie Hicox takes the cake.