Chilean Ass Lick

Yes, as awkard as all those chuck taylor-wearing/I'm sooo much better than you/I wished I lived in Williamsburg/social pariah types who flock to Wes Anderson films, my friend!

To the sound of a Kinks song, my good friend!

To the sound of a Kinks song, my good friend!

I must say, my friend, that I am soo soo glad it has Bill Murray, my friend!

I must say, my friend, that I am soo soo glad it has Bill Murray, my friend!

'Some of my best friends are white but….' Come on, my friend there's always a but…

May I suggest 500 years might be a more accurate figure, my friend, as it encompasses European imperialism and all of the cultural phenomenon that has lead to white people bitching about being supposed attacked for their 'whiteness', my friend.

My friend, I believe these 'QUADRIPLEGIC BISEXUAL ESKIMO MIDGETS' you speak of were wiped out by a cancerAIDS epidemic.  #whitepeopleproblems

An Ezra Pound of modern South East Asia, my friend?

When can we expect Indonesia's extensive Wikipedia entry to be modified, its name changed to 'Quesadonesia', and reduced to 'some random bitch country' where people 'didn't know what they were doing' 'JUSTIN BIBER DESERVED IT GO DIE IN A HOLE. WHO ECK R YOU ANYWAY?' by some vindictive Bieber fans, my friends?

Sam Worthington, my friend?

This looks like the Death Race remake re-imagined with Chinese human spread-sheets substituting for armoured racing cars, my friend!

How do we achieve diversity?  What could be done to remedy the problem of racially segregated sitcoms my friend is to have an interracial retread of 'The Brady Bunch', my friend.  Have a African-American man divorced with a bunch of kids and a Caucasian women also divorced with a bunch of kids shacking up together and

So true, my friend.  If meat is murder, then the same must be true for leather, my friend.

It would be incredibly ironic if his own shoes were made of leather, my friend!

Yes, my friend. The truth has been packed up and sent to a Chinese abattoir, my friend.

You're a jumped-up country boy, who never knew his place, my friend!  You should go to a show, instead of moping and repeating the line 'Do you really think, she'll pull through', my friend!

Great news that this charming man is reuniting with his band to perform again!

That's rough, my friend.  Don't you realize a major part of why these Wire-loving hipsters love the show is because having watched it, it makes them feel so so self-important and intelligent to express their Wire love.  On the other hand, I totally agree with you, you speak the distilled truth.  Keep up the good work,

Not to mention McNulty's banging of a probably under age diner waitress and Prez clocking Valchek, my friend.