
I really don't think there's a problem with her acting. Sure, Jones' non-Mad Men work leaves a lot to be desired, but for Betty, her acting is admirable. I think it might have to do with the fact that Weiner basically tailor-made the role for Jones after he met her (while all the other characters were written in the

Wow, speak of the devil. 20 seconds ago, I was just pestering a Facebook friend to KEEP WATCHING IT, IT GETS BETTER, DAMMIT!

Did you see the head on that guy?

Aubrey Plaza should totally submit this episode for Emmy consideration.

Hey, this is exactly what I posted on the TBBT review!

You know, I'm thinking the Dean's characterization in this episode is an allegory of Dan Harmon's experience as a show-runner. Going over the budget, perfectionism, mental breakdowns (in an interview, Harmon admits he sometimes cries because he feels his work is inadequate), and all-in-all, insanity.

I don't understand why you completely changed the conversation premise. I don't think anyone cares about your taste in late night talk show hosts. I was questioning your assertion that P&R is a "very dumbed-down, look-how-bracingly-akward-we-can-be type humor", when clearly you haven't even watched the show.

It's only well loved because it's the funniest and smartest comedy on television.

It deserved an A! 
Man, you really VanDerWurff'ed the review…