
Pundits. I mean, What is pundits?

What about Gregory Corso? Or Diane Di Prima? I take it you haven't read them or you wouldn't be making such highfalutin statements.

What about Gregory Corso? Or Diane Di Prima? I take it you haven't read them or you wouldn't be making such highfalutin statements.

don't get me wrong, i like Todd's rambling tangents and musings occasionally, but
when a reviewer begins his/her write-up  with a paragraph long explanation about why they don't think they can write said write-up(even if you're just filling in for someone), and then proceeds to write NINE paragraphs, i call bullshit.

literally worse? wasnt the usage of literally finally settled years back? do we all have to keep reminding each other that the word is not something to be used haphazardly?

sure he was a radio dj for a time(which is questionable in and of itself anyway, but there's a creative element that differentiates from podcast blowhard. i still stand by the the tried and true theorem that music journalism is an oxymoron.

how can you compare them? thats like apples to oranges to bananas.

i know youre being fatuous, but to state the facts lest anyone get strange ideas. no baby has played drums on an officially release album by waits. if youre being sincere, then youre thinking of his sons. the eldest plays drum kit(and i believe did programming on the drum machine tracks on mule variations)and the

"-For those charting the game at home, Miles is still on the board. He could be a wild card. (If you'll excuse the mixed metaphor.)"
OK, but i wont excuse the pun. i expect more from you noel.