
OK, to spell it out, I was commenting on Eddie's homophobic act that ingrained him to the mainstream. Watch his first joke in his concert film, Delirious. Perhaps a reflection of the times, but as a legacy, absolutely embarrassing. Fuck Eddie Murphy.

To see Eddie in peak form yes. He wore the tightest leather back then. Today, don't recall.

And it lacked footage of Grace, Too. But that's personal.

Watch Delirious or even Raw to understand Eddie's ass.

Wayne's World was sweet. Eddie Murphy, I just couldn't refrain staring at his ass.

He should really just stick to the Crosby Braverman gig. Best work he's done since Scrubs.

Clinically Dead is insanely infectious.

Inspector Gadget, Duck Tales and The Wonder Years - perhaps for nostalgic purposes, but still great.

Weakest episode in its entire run. That campy line that the creators were languishingly inching towards was finally crossed. And on a side note, I love Kids in the Hall more than most humans, but Scott Thompson is so wrong for this show. One of the worst miscasts in recent memory. Will Shatner would have been more

It's hard to bond with a sociopath. I can relate. No advice other than: if she is intentionally cruel or even if she is unaware of her cruelty all these years - is such a human worthy of your love? Is that a person you want to devote time and energy to? I know it's tough as she is family. But, if she's decent or

If I were Joel, I'd outwardly respect Zeek, but immediately write him off. I didn't marry Julia to be a part of the Braverman clan, nor did I sign a contract in which I was obligated to placate my bride's father and his desperate pleas for us to reconcile (for the good of the clan). Piss off Zeek and direct your

I agree on her attempt to establish boundaries - but she could have handled it more delicately as such a moment would require. She is well aware of his condition and should have mitigated the whole scenario rather than blaming parents who, according to her, have never said "No". Her empathy was nonexistent. But to

If I were Joel, "Zeek, I respect where you're coming from, but your nostalgic, passive-aggressive soaked speech/lecture has absolutely no influence or relevance to my (fading) biochemical attraction to your daughter. Want a beer though?"

I'm not sure of your allusion here nor am I familiar with Mr Conley. A quick Google search led me to infer that he was a corporate commodity that spurned out radio rock and attained a brief window of fame. But I could be wrong on that assumption (as I am on most things). Falang is Thai for "white foreigner". I see

I do agree with your well thought out and meticulously written response. It is a trait that I'm lacking in. But Francis has no connection to my name. A simple google search would illuminate that fact.

I empathize with your immediate reaction of frustration. I do tend to be wordy. I am not in possession of a blog. I send these rants to sympathetic friends on occasion and they are polite in their responses. I do respect this site - especially the TV section. I'm a long time reader, and reluctant poster. I love

An unedited, inspired piece of writing that reflects my changing views on this show, and was authored before reading this review or the comments. Dismantle or ridicule at will:

Great discussion starter for party conversations with Yanks. Usually provokes an awkward response.

Great discussion starter for party conversations with Yanks. Usually provokes an awkward response.

This episode deserves an A just for Will's rant, or more specifically for his statement that America leads the world in the most adults who believe angels are real.