
Um… isn't Indian Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark sort of an action comedy about the Nazis?

If she's a lawyer… and doesn't like her current job… um… why not go get a job as a lawyer!? No one can say she's making more money as a model on this game show than she'd have the potential to make as a lawyer. She could start her own firm! She could call it "Legally Blonde 3: The Firm." Think of the movie rights!

Patton Oswalt (who's totally great) has nothing to do with referring to a given pizza as "like eating a hot circle of garbage"! Come on pop-culture geeks! That's a line from The Office! Woe is me, what horrors has this writer's strike wrought??

I saw him in a pretty hot home-made porno with a black girl. Just based on the size of his cock alone, I could see where someone might think "artiste".

Thank you, Pilgrim! I see you feel my pain. And yes, that is just how I felt. At least there's some company for us Giants-hating Pats fans. The pain… soon it won't hurt quite so much.

Coming home to this list after watching the Patriots embarrass themselves in the Superbowl (I live in New England) was a happy thing. I'm still pretty dorky, but reading about dorkier people definitely cheered me up. I do sort of think, though, that being super into Monty Python is just as geeky as at least

This article may not be that funny….
… but for real, take a look at those color photos of the Depression and WWII. They are *really* fantastically good photos. Thanks for the link, Amelie!

I missed the line
"Would you call what we did last night sex?" Who said that, and when?

Yeah, I also saw the trailer and it made the movie look… overwrought, I guess. Also, I didn't particularly care for the 2005 Pride and Prejudice… is there a chance I will actually like this?

In case you don't want to follow that link, basically, Hanukkah is a holiday about the miracle of oil that should have only lasted for one day lasting for 8 days (long enough to make more oil). Therefore, since, in my opinion, Jews seem to need to make everything about food, it's also a holiday about anything that

Ah! Thank you! I knew I recognized him but couldn't place him at all. He looked a lot younger, I thought, on House, than on Crossing Jordan, where he always looks a bit sleep deprived and vampire-ish.

unusual love
I was afraid in the middle of the episode, after Cameron's strange confession of love for House on camera, and House's befuddlement in the face of 13's and Michael Michele's hotness, that there was going to be some sort of Star Trek type virus that was going to be affecting Cameron, House, and somehow

Chrissy! You are brilliant — yes, that's exactly right! It's like Toby's the only one around who is living in reality, and reacts to Michael as part of that reality… and not just to rescue him but to try to engage him there in that reality. Wow. WOW. The Office is truly amazing. Chrissy's good too!

I loved loved loved this sequence. And while the knife filed under "A. Knife" was good, it wasn't *nearly* as hilarious as the blow-dart gun in the toilet tank! Which he then blew! Come on people!

argument against
I always thought the biggest argument against these movies is that even if there are people that exist that think these sorts of movies are hilarious now (and I realize that's a big "if"), but isn't it the case that in, say, five, definitely ten years, no one will get *any* of the references, thus

Yes! Yay! So many of my favorite things all at once! Happiness overload!